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Psychedelic Baby! Ken Kantor, who knew?


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Psychedelic Baby Hi-Fi series presents: Ken Kantor


I just found this fairly recent article concerning Ken Kantor's audio career.  The piece gives a nice overview of Mr. Kantor's audio history and accomplishments.  There are many nice vintage pictures included too.  I hope others find this enjoyable.  Also, I hope this hasn't been posted previously?  I searched, but didn't find any similar postings.

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Thanks for sharing that. Ken has had a very interesting career. The push and pull of interests while trying to build and sell audio products is something I can only imagine being bathed in drama.

I enjoy his 303's very much and would love to hear the 3.3's someday. I remember Roy hearing them at an audio gathering against some big AR's....and came out as favorites.

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8 hours ago, Stimpy said:

It's nice when Ken posts to his adoring fans, here and at AudioKarma.  Plus, Ken seems very appreciative of the praise that he receives from his supporters.  A truly nice guy!

I'll second that. Terrific guy. 

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