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Everything posted by DavidR

  1. The 91 is no slouch.
  2. $5 at a yard sale! Guess I need to go to more yard sales and get TP. Thanks for the tilt info. I was guessing 10 deg. They look custom.
  3. Nice looking stands. I need to make some for my 91's. What's the degree of tilt?
  4. Nice write up John. Why did you go with (2) 3 ohm resistors in series instead of (2) 12 ohm in parallel ?
  5. Thanks Steve. I've had my eyes on the New Rochelle pair for a while. Xovers are untouched except for the addition of upgraded binding posts. New Rochelle wouldn't be too bad of a ride for me. A tad pricey.
  6. If you are near MA and don't want them let me know cuz I do
  7. It could be the attenuation switch but for both to go bad is unusual. It could also be a bad capacitor. Best way to determine if the tweeters are good or not is to remove them and take a DCR reading of the voice coil. Should be around 3.5 ohms IIRC.
  8. GD70, You are a magician with veneer repairs. Unbelievable if I hadn't seen before and after pictures.
  9. Thinking I'll start stopping for TP and tampons ....................... just sayin' Very nice work BTW
  10. Thanks Larrybody. I have eight of them to refoam.
  11. Larry, Does this surround work for all AR 8" woofers or just this particular p/n woofer from the AR18S ?
  12. Trying to determine which industrial solvent was used as the diluent can be a lengthy trial and error. The easiest and relatively safe solvent to try first is isopropanol. Lacquer thinner has many solvents in it but the fumes are dangerous with health and flammability issues. Another popular diluent is toluene, Hard to find and expensive. Yet, it too is dangerous to work with and will pull fat right thru your skin. So always wear appropriate gloves. Nitrile gloves will stand up to most solvents for a good deal of time. Iso has the right idea but check for solvents in the mix. Another popular remover is Goo-B-Gone.
  13. FANTASTIC score: AR9s for $125. I'm sick with envy. IIRC, the letter designation was used on many models. The 9 was K, the 90 was L and 91 is M, etc. Nothing different about the model. Some of the old Carver amps, as already mentioned, will work well. I'd stick with the TFM series as they were designed to drive difficult loads. You have some very good amps for the 9s already. Emotiva has some very nice A/B class amps at affordable prices. They are moving to brick and mortar stores s well as their online sales. I use the SA-250 Pro amp on my 90s and it is a really nice sounding amp. I also have a XPA-2 Gen2 amp sitting around (at the moment).
  14. I think vertical bi-amping would be the way to go when you have the same two amps. However, if you have 2 amps with different, let's say, characteristics such as one that's good a driving low loads and has good bass and another that excels at mid and highs, I would go with horizontal bi-amping.
  15. Rubber surrounds for AR It might end up sounding like some of those old Polk speakers that use them. Blech!
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