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Old AR capacitor question


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Kind of a simple question, but I'll ask it anyway:  When replacing old AR "block" capacitors (Industrial Corp) with new capacitors, does it matter whether the old capacitors remain inside the cabinets or if they were removed?

Most AR photos I've seen of "updated" crossovers usually show those old capacitor "blocks" (no longer wired) left inside the cabinets. Just wondered if there was a reason. Not much room in my AR-4X speakers so I was considering removing the old caps just to add a little space. 

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I also removed the old and out of tolerance "monoblock" Industrial 150uF and 50uF capacitors (only this one weighs 2,430 kg including the three fixing brackets!) of my early AR3a, the 6uF one, 109 gr. , therefore a total of 2,539 kg., a nice lightening, not to mention the size of the voluminous double capacitor, no regrets, indeed my poor back thanks me.

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The thing with the 4x is that capacitor block is under the bracket that holds the inductor. Much easier to just leave it. The size/weight is insignificant.

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