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Everything posted by Aadams

  1. No intent to discredit. Your mechanical work is quite skillful, but not everyone who visits this site knows or recalls that you are repairing tweeters and modifying speakers to meet personal goals. "Operates to my satisfaction" is not the same as "Operates within factory specs" without verifiable evidence of some kind. I recall your work on the Super tweeter, not the 3/4 inch, but from your writings in this thread and mentions in other threads regarding AR speakers, I mistakenly assumed you must have squeezed in some 3/4 inch experience somewhere that I had missed. Many of the latter posts in this thread reference moribund and dead 3/4 inch tweeters. No posts regarding orange domes after the first page. This thread should have been split into 2 other non-AR threads long ago.
  2. You have yet to show evidence that you are making these rebuilt 3/4' orange dot tweeters conform to these graphs that show 3db down at 5khz on a 24db /octave slope. That slope is not built in to the crossover.
  3. It’s 1am here. You need the fiber ring. Correct surrounds are available. Good night for now. Adams
  4. AR designed the AR3a, AR5, LST and LST2 to have the same characteristic linear sound above 500hz, regardless of placement. They can sound very similar below 500hz if placed optimally in a room. If you place them identically in a room as far as possible from boundary surfaces, say on a pedestal equidistant from floor and ceiling, they will sound practically identical when the attenuators are set to full or flat output. All of this assumes they are working properly. If you follow the restoration guide and bring all of your speakers close to restoration goals including proper tweeters (Hivi or rebuilt originals) and foam woofer surrounds you will find the difference is the LST makes a lot more of the same sound as the 3a and 5 and is easier to place for optimum performance.
  5. If you want to tweak your system for the sound of a modern concert grand piano you can’t go wrong with Ligeti’s “18 Etudes” for Piano. The piano and player are stressed from the lowest A to the highest C, from the loudest loud to the softest soft, while making music that draws from 300 years of keyboard history including Jazz and African polyrhythms . Intended for practice, the works are so difficult they are rarely performed in public. There are currently six recordings of the etudes but only one of the complete set of 18. This Hi res release from Naxos 2023, artist Han Chen, also available on CD, contains all 18 etudes.
  6. Igor Levit. He knows pianos. He is using an upright like the lady in your video and playing exactly in the region you need. This one sounds pretty good for low res. Concert Grand Piano can make a good sytem test. There are a lot of good examples at CD quality and above.
  7. At 17:38 to 18:24 there are some obnoxious sounds emanating from that piano. I think it must be the way it is miked. I listened on AR3a and AR9. It was more apparent on the 3a. If your 3a mid pots are turned up past the mid point it would be awful. The LST mids are running at max all the time IIRC. The note she playing is close to middle C (262hz), maybe a bit above. The harmonics of that one note on an acoustic piano will extend strongly to at least 2000hz.
  8. On the speakers in question ,from low to high, the first 51 keys are substantially in the woofer, the next 4 or 5 are in the crossover transition but there are powerful harmonics that extend way into the midrange from most keys along that section of the keyboard. Do you have a link to the youtube being used?
  9. Solo piano? Which piano key? Or what frequency?
  10. Four speakers with an identical distortion flaw,in the same room, connected to the same source path, is an improbable speaker problem. The most likely source is dirt or a slightly loose connection upstream, especially if you are using vintage electronics before fader controls or digital circuitry.
  11. Final music history comment. The performance and recording of Beethoven Symphonies has substantially changed since the advent of SACD. The LvB music of today is not what we heard through most of the 20th century. Final thoughts on streaming as an upgrade to stereo sound quality. If you are willing to use over the ear headphones or sit in “the monitor position” when listening to your speakers you will hear the difference in recordings captured in Hi resolution formats. This applies even when what you are hearing is downsampled to CD quality. Your listening spot needs to be in a central position where direct sound predominates. On the best recordings, if reflected sound predominates the detail of the left/right/ front/back nuance that is happening in the space between the speakers will be heard but the dimensionality will be lost. Classic Domed ARs work well for this music but you must compensate for their wide dispersion and ensure the variable mid range attenuators are set to give perfect left/right balance at the listening centerpoint. You will still only get about a max of 6 ft listening distance before reflections predominate in most rooms, less if they are on the floor or beside a wall. Vertical series and later should not be a problem. All the services that offer Hi res streaming cost about the same. If you are thinking of streaming, the only question should be whether to pay for music you will really listen to or stream the same recordings in Lo res for free on Spotify and go about your day.
  12. Most of the Chesky Records catalog is available for streaming. I had forgotten about their polished productions that evoke a sense of space in small group stereo recordings of trios and quartets. The effect is easily apparent at CD quality, if your listening position and speaker relationship forms an equilateral triangle or you use headphones. Original Hi res versions are only available for sale from HDTracks.com or The Audiophile Society .com. My interest in Chesky was to discover to what success their methods had ever been applied to orchestra recordings. I could only find three examples, two for a medium sized chamber orchestra in 2012 and one for full symphonic orchestra in 2022 . The results are mixed. The Symphony recording is on par with good hi res efforts from other labels, with pretty good depth of field. The better of the two chamber recordings, "Area 31", sounds as though all of the principle soloists are jammed together on the front of a stage, everybody close miked, with percussion in the wings to left and right. Compare the presentation of "Area 31" with this 2009 live recording of "Pulcinella" performed by the CSO chamber orchestra. There are around 39 recordings of Pulcinella, all of them good performances. The 15 or so accomplished soloists required by the composition means that only a few orchestras can muster the talent required to perform the work as written, virtually guaranteeing a good performance. No surprise though, the quality of the recordings differ. Here are two more examples: I prefer the 2009 CSO recorded for SACD. The 2024 LPO Hi res is too unbalanced, listen to the brass which should emanate from further back. The 1990 Christopher Hogwood CD is an outstanding performance. "Pulcinella" (1920) is the next major work by Stravinsky after the "Rite of Spring" (1913). His instructions, from the producer of the ballet, were to write some polite music based on Baroque period tunes, primarily from the composer Pergolesi. Instead, Stravinsky decided to use a modern chamber orchestra including instruments that never existed in Baroque times, and modern rhythms and harmonies to trick the ears of the audience into hearing a Baroque presentation based on Pergolesi and others. The producer was not happy but the work was a hit and kicked off what is now known as the Neo Classical period of 20th century classical music.
  13. Ella, Very saddened to receive this news. Steve was an early and prolific contributor on CSP before I arrived in 2012, a great source of AR knowledge and speakers in general. He personally helped me at one point. I have been wondering for a while why he stopped posting. He has been missed. Thank you for telling us. Aadams
  14. Compared to a good quality CD, the sound quality difference between 16/44.1 at multi Mbps and a low bit rate file, say 128kbps, is usually easy to hear if you are paying attention. My experience with CD quality and above is, the difference between Hi res formats and CD quality is much harder to discern. For classical music there really aren't that many new Hi res recordings. The majority seem to be remasters into high res of previous releases. The ones I have heard are practically noise free but they still have the narrower presentation that does not approach the level of "you are there-ness" that is found on the very best of recent digital Hi res captures. This is is the best example I know: Classical music seems to benefit more from Hi res than Pop and Jazz because silence and sense of space are often a part of classical music. This is a brand new Hi res Jazz issue, very high quality but you don't feel the space. Also available on vinyl. The biggest factor in Hi res sound quality seems to be the engineering. If you like the sound of a hi res file the chances are you will be satisfied with a CD quality version. Which brings me to DACs. I sweated for months over how much to spend and what brand DAC to purchase for my upgraded listening. It turns out if all you need is one source in and out, you can spend $40 and not look back. I had help. I have the capacity to A/B compare two dacs on a passive switch playing the same source to the same system. I have compared my old 16/44 DAC to my new USB 24/96 DAC and the short answer is, there is no practical difference in sound quality. I have compared my old DAC to my new computer 24/48 DAC using a mini plug to the amp and I cannot swear that I hear a quality difference. But I have compared my old DAC to my old computer 16/44 DAC and there is large difference in quality. All devices were volume equalized before A/B switching was done. Summary: If you have a relatively new computer you might be able to stream high quality sound without an outboard DAC. If you want an outboard DAC for USB out to a power amp you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get high quality sound.
  15. Yes. Good job! I have an English pair of 98ls with original LMR that don't have the split.
  16. The answer is no split cone. Check AR55s link from the library forum. The 8inchers for the AR9, ls,lsi were specifically configured to be LMRs. Read note 4 in the pdf on 8 inch drivers for that series.
  17. I remember this Tysontom thread. Unless your woofers have been placed face down or face up for a long time you probably don't have a collapsed spider from prolonged sag. If the woofer voice coil has not been damaged in operation it is more likely that the spider glue bond has broken from the metal frame. There are a few threads here with discussion and images of the problem on that era woofer but no repair instructions. Once the woofer is removed, diagnosis is pretty simple but you will only get one easy shot at repairing it correctly. If you are not experienced at this I would not practice on this woofer. It will not be easy to replace. In order of preference, Contact member @RoyC, Vintage AR on ebay, or Millersound. http://www.millersound.net/
  18. Originally written for virtuoso piano in 1874, "Pictures at an Exhibition" is Mussorgsky's representation, in musical sound, of ten paintings by artist Viktor Hartmann. The work is famous today because in 1922 Maurice Ravel created an orchestral version that is a showpiece of orchestration which has become the default standard version that audiences expect to hear at concerts. There are at least 300 recordings, nearly all of them are competent but vary in the conductor's ability to put across the image of the dancing chicks or the old castle. Perhaps the witch's hut on giant fowl's legs isn't menacing . Sometimes the Great Gate of Kiev isn't great enough. Such is how the critics sort recordings of this work for ranking. Riccardo Muti/Philadelphia/Warner/1979 is considered the best overall recorded performance by many critics. It turns out the critics get so picky about the musical imagery of the pictures that there is no perfect performance/recording but there are several very good ones. For me, given the choice of being in a good seat at a competent live performance of a major work or sitting in front of speakers to hear the very best interpretation available, I would take the live performance every time, which is why I would focus on the recording sound quality more than best historical performance. For best sound there are only a few choices, all from the last 20 years. My default until recently was Lorin Maazel/ Cleveland/Telarc 1979. Jaarvi/Cincinnati/Telarc 2008 is good. Compare those to Karabits/Bournemouth/Onyx/2011 or Gilbert/NYP/NYPhil/2012. I prefer the Gilbert 2012. It is lossless. The presentation is front row center. The recording is an entire concert before a live audience which adds a frisson to the performance. The sound is gorgeous.
  19. The web site "Peter's Planets” is for fans of Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”, first recorded around 1922 and most recently in 2017. Peter has acquired, listened to, and subjectively ranked over 80 recorded performances of the “The Planets”. Now, through the miracle of Lossless Streaming, you can do the same. I won’t be doing that. I already possess two CD versions (Peter’s No.1 and 49) but curious there might be something better, I streamed a dozen others that are offered up as great examples. Do they sound the same? No, mostly not even close. Just like covers of popular songs, they differ in style or interpretation and noticeably, in recording sound quality. Internet searches show the consensus top ranked recording of the “The Planets” appears to be the 1986 Montreal Symphony/Charles Dutoit on Decca, my pick as well until I heard two newer ones; Cincinnati Symphony/ Paavo Jarvi 2009 Telarc and Dallas Symphony/Andrew Litton 1996 Delos. There are a couple of original Hi Res recordings you may prefer or maybe something older. Preference is totally subjective. The only convenient way to do these comparisons and find what you like is Lossless Streaming.
  20. And now we have page three. This is a rare thread, drifting into a dendritic form that is reminiscent of something I have seen on TV. I sense someone is wearing an onion on their belt.
  21. Maybe I misunderstood your objective in naming the thread Replacement AR-4x Tweeter: A Mod In Work. If your objective was to create a mod to satisfy yourself then your thread is done. But, I recall earlier, you stated that you would get response curves from "a friend across town" to show us the difference between a stock PRT and your mod. You also stated that you would lend your finished mod PRT to another qualified forum member for subjective evaluation of the results in a working AR4 model. I bought what you said. Maybe I read too much into your words but they seemed like straight forward English at the time.
  22. I, along with most of the “lurkers and monitors”, await the operating 4x portion of your project, especially the response curves you spoke of earlier.
  23. The last movement of The Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra is among the best 3-minute runs in all classical music. It’s definitive recording was captured by Decca in 1969 with the composer conducting. There have been many recordings since, some better engineered, with more dynamic range, but for 52 years no one ever matched the balance of the full orchestra as presented by Britten and Decca in that last movement. The challenge is in the last minute of the last 3 minutes. The first two minutes are spent with the orchestra following the piccolo, descending into seeming fugal chaos until the full brass and low strings restore order with a grand restatement of the original theme while the high strings and woodwinds continue the fugue. Most recordings allow the brass to swamp the strings. Britten obviously wanted the strings heard singing high counterpoint flourishes over the brass. Goose bumps when it is right. These are excellent recordings and performances of the Britten work. From left to right the recordings get technically better but the 2021 Petrenko from Onyx is the best because it achieves the orchestral balance of the Decca, while being captured in Hi res lossless format. It appears to be available streamed or as downloadable file versions. No hard copy versions. Note: You really need to listen to the entire 16 minutes to fully appreciate what is happening in the last 3 minutes.
  24. Just make it perform and appear correctly. None of the rebuilt dome tweeters you hear about have original coils. Some of them are custom wound for application as either 4 or 8 ohm as specified by the buyer. Some tweeter domes are original some domes are aftermarket. Midranges could be a bit different. Nobody restores them.
  25. Your project is interesting. I would say, just take your project to conclusion and the admin will know in the end whether or not it is an MT thread.
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