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AR-LST & Cello Amati Speakers


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9-16-17  10PM EST
Okay fellas, here’s what I’ve mentioned many times before.  The unforgettable, highly accurate, highly desirable and very expensive AR-LST/ Cello Amati speakers.
If you look closely you will notice that these are using the original AR-midranges and the aftermarket ABTech tweeters mixed along with AR-11 tweeters which I believe they came with as original. Later on the X-over was once more reconfigured, and Dynaudio drivers were instead of AR drivers.
Look at the price, read the words, look at the pictures.
So, essentially these are identical to my 'LST' speakers except, they have a re-worked X-over, additional interior bracing, are tri-amp configurable and are sitting on optional custom made extra heavy marble stands.  These speakers were offered and designed by Mark Levinson for his "Cello" line. 
I rest my case. 







Here's my system two years ago, a number of improvements have been made since.



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I doubt the current AR Corporate office has any interest or care if the patent of one of there vintage speakers is to close to the original . Imagine if someone cloned the AR 3s or 9s for production now or sold a kit online

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First, it does appear that at least some of the tweeters are original AR parts from the ADD era.

Levinson originally sourced the drivers for the Cello Amati from AR. If the company had had any objection to his use of the LST design, they probably wouldn't have sold him the parts.

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Dear lurker, AKA foto-shop-kid, lower lumbar pain sufferer, I mean oh, hello AR surround.

Well, there seems to be two schools of thought about that.

I have mine as normally one on top of the other where all tweeters are on top as if we were only listening to one pair.

I completely understand the other position where both woofers are at the extremes, one on top and one on the bottom. It certainly makes more sense that way and one would be reinforcing/balancing the bass output with one woofer on top and the other on the bottom. In regards to the room's acoustics, the type of placement that I use may not be optimum but you could've fooled me because they sound extraordinary. It's just like with singular rectangular conventional box speakers where one would place the woofer on the outside of each stereo side and the tweeters are inboard.

But, to be frank, after all that is my name. I've only utilized the conventional position of one on top of the other for these past 28+ years.

The thing with LST's is, their weight and awkwardness in manually handling them makes me not so keen on trying it this way or the other way like one can do with a lesser weight speaker box. Perhaps someday I will but, I can say that I've sought-out and probably read every piece of information on the web concerning these speakers and generally speaking I find the verdict is a call right down the middle. I will add that almost every time I've seen the M.L. version of LST's stacked, they've always been woofers on top and bottom and I do agree it does make more sense that way.

Why do you ask, are you taking a ride down to 'ole Virgini? The news states they're having trouble in Richmond with this silly Confederate monument removal stuff.


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