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AR-25 and AR-28s's


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Hi,I tried searching the site for any info on both these speakers.I couldn't find anything.I found some info on 25bx and a mention that they are a UK model but my new to me 25s with no letter as in just 25 are different boxes.I do think the speakers are the same.Now the 28s's,also new to me,don't have the same tweeter as the 28b's that I found info on.

The 28s's look very good and have new surounds and a tweeter that is the same as late 14's.Hooked them up,looking forward to hearing that AR sound that I've read so much about but had never heard and found them to be terribly brassy and shouty.Me and the dogs are very sure we don't like it.So the question on these is,are the tweeters original and if so is it possible who ever redid the woofers maybe "upgraded" the x overs

The 25 surrounds need replacing so I took the woofers out of the 28s's and put them in the 25's makeing sure the box was sealed after.I can't give you a very detailed description of the sound because my ear's are plugged up from a head cold but I will say they sound very good,not brassy or shouty but not lacking in highs.The bass is very good for an 8" woofer even though the new surrounds are on top of the cone instead over under.And yes I did try them at maximum volume and it is a very good match to the Marantz but I do see amps in my future for when the 14's and 91's are done.LOL.

So any help and info anybody can give me is greatly appreciated.I'm looking forward to stacking the 28s's and 25's.I think it will sound amazing.


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AR-25 1979-1982 8" woofer 1.25" Cone tweeter 48-22K 86 db 2000hz 11.75x21.5x7 24.0 lbs $240.00

AR-28s 1981-1983 8" woofer 1" Dome tweeter 50-24k +/- 3db 87 db 15-100 w 6 ohms 22x12x8 24.0 lbs $130.00

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O.k. So the 25 uses a 6mfd and the 28s uses a 8uf. Since I know nothing about electronics whats the difference between mfd and uf and if I can't find these is there something else that works.


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Hi Harry

mfd = uF = microfarad. In those sizes, use film caps. Most economical would be Carli from Madisound or Erse PEX from Erseaudio




or in those sizes, still very inexpensive but a little "better" is the PulseX



that last one is 8.2uF. Close enough. You can safely go +/- 10% and not hear any difference.

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Thanks JKent.The pulsex's a temporarily out of stock.I would like to go with the better ones but does it make much difference.The other thing is I live in Ontario Canada,does this stuff get hung up at the border like other stuff does.Should I look locally?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd update this.Went shopping today at an electronics store and picked up caps for all my AR's and just finished changing the ones in the 25's.For all the guys that think there 30 plus year old speakers sound o.k.Change the caps,you'll be totally amazed at the improvement in sound.I wanted to see how much the new caps changed the sound so I did the first one,set both speakers side by side about 15" off the floor,put the stereo on mono and went back and forth between right and left and could not believe the difference it made.Then I did the other speaker and set them back on the shelf and listened to a few different types of music,first on cd's and then albums.The albums sound the way they should with the marantz set with treble,mids and bass in the middle.The cd's being digitally remastered sound ok but I had to flip the switches on the speakers and turn the treble all the way down and the bass up and it still doesn't sound quite right.It's ok though,the idea is to listen to albums the way they should sound.

As for the rest of the speakers,I have surrounds and 2 recone kits coming from MSound and a tweeter for the AR-8 that I got on ebay.I would just like to say Thanks to John at MSound for going out his way to make sure I got the right recone kits for the 2 woofers from the 14's.Hopefully I can install them correctly.LOL.It will be a learning experience that foresure.He's sending instructions for everything.

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