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Great receiver for AR's


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I just picked up a mint Pioneer SX-636 for $40. I was looking for a receiver that would help my AR-2A's to shine. I had a Yamaha CR-400 which made them sound mediocre. After hooking the AR's up to the Pioneer, all I can say is WOW. The Pioneer really brightened up the highs and brought out some very surprising lows! So, in conclusion, I would have to say if you are looking for a receiver that will compliment your AR's, I would have to recommend giving this receiver a shot. On a side note, the receiver looks quite pleasing as well!

Here is some retro pics I took:




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Great find! The '70s Japanese receivers are great compliments to classic speakers! Audio Karma has a thread "Best looking receiver" and lots of Pios are nominated.

Your Pio is rated at just 25wpc but in the 70s they were "big" watts--very conservatively rated. I forget the particulars but something about sustaining the rated power output for an hour. Bet it's heavy too! Back in the day one of the audiophile mags (maybe $ensible $ound) recommended buying amps by calculating dollars per pound ;)

One caveat: 40-year-old electronics can develop issues that can fry speakers. You may want to have a tech who's experienced with vintage gear check it out.

We don't need no stinkin' remote control! Just looking at that amp should put a smile on your face. Happy listening!


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I've got a marantz 2265 in my living room running my AR18's, and a 2230 in the office that was coupled to some smaller advents, which I sold to purchase my AR holographic imaging M5's...

22xx series marantzes and AR's are a match made in heaven, IMHO

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Great picture and a great receiver. I just recently retired my Pioneer SX-727 that i bought in 1974 along with my AR-5s. I still have my original receipt, I paid $292 for the SX-727 and $292 for a pair of AR-5s. I just replaced it this year with a Pioneer VSX-1020 which is a very nice unit. I cannot make myself part with the 727 so it sits in storage in my basement. The only thing wrong with it is some of the controls could use a good cleaning. Enjoy the 636, Pioneer sure used to make some nice looking equipment.

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