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Advent 5012 Difficult to Remove Grille - Solution?

Pete B

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I have a pair of Advent 5012s here in oak, with the rubber/plastic trim around

the grille. It seems that the trim has hardened and combined with the tolerances

it is nearly impossible to remove one of the grilles. Here's a picture:


Anyone else seen this before and have a good solution?

I'm thinking that a bit of oil on the trim would help it slip, but, obviously, I don't

want it to get on the grille cloth.

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Hi Pete,

Ya, the oil idea doesn't sound too good. Can't you get some kind of skinny hook thing in there and pull it out?

I use bent paper clips to pull them out and I realize that if it's stuck a paper clip might not be substancial enough but maybe something a little more robust?


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Hi Pete,

Ya, the oil idea doesn't sound too good. Can't you get some kind of skinny hook thing in there and pull it out?

I use bent paper clips to pull them out and I realize that if it's stuck a paper clip might not be substancial enough but maybe something a little more robust?


Hi Doug,

Well I managed to get them out some time ago, then was not able

to get one back on as I was worried that the frame would crack.

There are rubber rejuvenators out there, some are quite strong as

I understand it. I suppose I could carefully remove the grille cloth,

and take 1/32" off the frame. One is much tighter than the other.

Might try soaking the rubber trim with WD-40 and then drying it well

before trying to fit the grille.

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I may be way off base here, since I'm not familiar with the 5012, but I have restored some Advent 400 speakers that had aluminum grilles held in my rubber gaskets. The gaskets got hard and brittle but they were easily replaced with window screen gasket. It comes in black or gray and a few different thicknesses. Might that work?


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I may be way off base here, since I'm not familiar with the 5012, but I have restored some Advent 400 speakers that had aluminum grilles held in my rubber gaskets. The gaskets got hard and brittle but they were easily replaced with window screen gasket. It comes in black or gray and a few different thicknesses. Might that work?


Appreciate the idea Kent, I did think of replacing the rubber part but wasn't sure where

to get a replacement. I'll have to measure and see if screen gasket fits. Actually, one

grille fits both speakers better, and I think the other was just off by a small amount.

Might try pulling back the cloth and taking 1/64" off the edge as a simpler solution.

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I thought I answered this again but ... oh well, you know the old saying about of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think I misunderstood you and thought that the grille was still in the speaker.

I agree with the shaving of the frame. As you said, one frame works and the other not. So I would make them both the same even though it's a kind of a pain to pull out those staples.


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