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AR 2A What should I do with them


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Let me start by stating I know next to nothing about audio gear.  My father passed away and I cleaned out his storage and came across these AR speakers.  They appear to be in excellent condition although I don't even have a receiver to test them.  I also did not take off the grill covers as I did not want to break anything.

Looking for some advice on what to do with these.  I was going to just sell them on Craigslist or Ebay although they are very heavy.  The problem is I don't know if they are worth 1.00 or 1 trillion dollars. Any advice you experts can share would be greatly appreciated

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If those are truly original they are definitely worth something. I would venture to say several hundred dollars. Where are you located. They are going to sell faster in Chicago than in Bowling Green.  They really look nice. I would be interested. 

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