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AR 94S Capacitors


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I am aware that there are several versions of the AR 94, having read several posts here in this forum on the 94, 94SX, 94S, and one or two others. I just re-foamed the eight inch drivers on my 94'S and now need to replace the caps. I believe that they take a 4uF and a 100uF caps, both 50 volt bi-polar, is that correct? I have searched the Library for the crossover schematic but come up empty.


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Carl's advice is sound. Do that first.

I just wanted to comment that you can ignore the voltage. Your new replacements will have higher voltage ratings.

If it turns out that 4uF and 100uF are the correct values, you should use a good film cap for the 4uF and they will be rated at 250 to 600v. For the 100uF most people go with a non-polar (bi-polar) electrolytic because a film cap that size would be big and costly.

You could use this for the 4uF http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/px-cap-250vdc/claritycap-3.9-mfd-px-range-polypropylene-caps/ or this (wire 2 in parallel) http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/surplus-capacitors/2.0mfd/ and there are other choices: Carli, Solen, etc.

for the 100uF this would be good http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/electrolytic-cap-100vdc/bennic-100-mfd-electrolytic-caps/ or you "could" use this: http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/solen-capacitors/solen-100-mfd-fast-cap-400v/

or if you are willing to wire ten of these in parallel, you could use these http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/surplus-capacitors/10.0-mfd-polypropylene-cap-10mfdp/tyee/


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Carl and Kent, thanks for your responses. I did check the existing caps but was not sure if they were original. I can now see that they are the same as the AR94 uses and so assume that the AR94S caps are the same.

Kent, in viewing the two 100uF caps that you linked to, the Bennic cost $2.40 versus the Solen at $29.00, what does the extra $27 get you? This is more a curiosity question as I will probably go with the Bennic, but I'm an electronic novice and see this as a learning opportunity.


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Hi Charles

The Bennic is an NPE (non-polarized electrolytic). It is electrically equivalent to the original and should be expected to last 20 to 30 years (more or less). The Solen is a film cap and if the speakers are handed down to your grandchildren the caps will outlast them. For bigger caps most, but not all, restorers go with NPEs for reasons of cost and size.


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