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excellent web site for comparing alnico to cermanic magnets


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go to www. jensentone.com and click on the spot for listening to the different speakers they make with different magnets. I never thought a magnet would make a difference in sound but it does. In my way of thinking the vintage alnico speakers sound the most like the ar sound I am used to. you be the judge. the material played is guitar with the same thing on each speaker.

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Not sure how to judge that, playing their music sample through crappy computer speakers. For that matter, even if the computer were hooked up to my MAC/AR-3a system how would I judge it? I'd be hearing the sound through the 3a's. Am I missing something?



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using the 3a is a good way to hear the sound as there is no chang e done by the speakers. Your reference is the ar and you compare how the sound is on them with the only variable being the source. granted not a lot of change but to me the alnico has a more mellow sound and the ceramic, especially when you compare the sound on the 12 inch vs the 8 inch.

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