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slight dent in tweeter


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on a pair of ar 90s I am looking at one of the midrange speakers has a slight dent like a finger push in about the diameter of a fingertip and just in aboout a 1/4 of an inch. will this affect the sound of it any ? also has anyone tried pulling out these dents like in a dust cap or on a tweeter like this? would scotch tape work or would it ruin the speaker?

thanks for any answers,

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I used shopvac on a pair of AR-92 mids - try with the brush first, but probably wont work so then go to naked tip (or you can cushion the tip - foam or cloth, I didn't and it turned out fine). Lifted both dimples. However, don't let the whole circumference come down on the dome at once and make a jarring seal (depending on your shop vac power that could be ugly). Rather, try to go at them from the side and work your way onto and over the dimple, sliding off on the other side. Might take a couple of tries, but it works (tape didn't work for me - but I only used the blue painters tape, was a bit paranoid to try anything stronger). I have also heard of using various sized straws and/or tubes with just physical suction but I did not try that method.

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My AR90's had a slight dent- I just left it and didn't notice any difference. When I got my AR9's, Midwest Speaker refoamed them. It also had a slight dent in one of the upper mid-ranges. Midwest took the dent out for me and only charged $5.00.


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Is it the tweeter, or is it the upper midrange driver?

If it's the tweeter, there's nothing that will remove a 1/4" dent.

If it's the upper midrange, this is a not-uncommon situation, and I'd suggest leaving it alone - vintage replacement drivers (when available) easily sell for over $100.

However, if you do try to suck that dent out with a shop vac, please make a video! :)

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