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dynaco_dan is back


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hi my firends

it has been a while since my last post.

my OLD computer died a slow painful death, not me, LOL

I LOST ALL of my EMAIL ADDRESSES so I can't contact anyone NOW, and as well as I had before. JAMES!

I have missed the friendship of so many members from different areas of the world.

Not just James, Carl, Steve, will receive a personal reply here at a near future date.

Thank you very much to those of you who left here kind messages of concern for my health.

My computer inbox does not receive emails at this time, I'll work at this issue soon.

I have a little more Dynaco literature that I recently received to post here, stories to tell and hopefully help to novice members.

I will be quite a while trying to read and catchup to the many writeups that have been posted here on many brands.

Before I disappeared from here I had been in communication with a few members, specifically regarding the AR chronological list and copying literature via a scanner.

I probably came across as an extreme fuss ass for details with them both, sorry.

The AR list for example and the AR-3 wriiteup in the library seems to confirm this very picky detail.

Whereas the chronolgical list would only have one AR-3 date etc on one line, more listings, including a range of known serial numbers per known modification.

This would now appear on 3 or more lines posted during production rather thqt just one.

For those of you shopping around for a matched speaker pair, this information would of very much greater value with the several different actual AR-3 retail speakers, all listed as only AR-3 without any notation of driver or crossover difference.

The AR-LST with rear mounted and internally mounted crossover, cap changes or addition, and the w-w resistor addition.

I may have missed a point or two and this is where other more knowledgeable members can contribute to the data.

There is not many speakers thqt need such picky details, AR not exclusive.

At 63 years young I have had certain memories and experiences of hifi, some may even be unique to me.

Most memories are from the 1965 - 1975 era.

A lot of members here are too young to have been born untill after that time period so we must archive as much data and memories as possible here, before they are gone.

I still have the scans of 600 plus literaure pages of numerous products and manufacturers that I had scanned and burned to disc for a nice, kind and generous member.

With a damaged scanner, several health issues and a leaky and flooding home, etc, (LOL) behind me, I will try to make as much info available to as many of you as soon as I can.

It will be a while before I will be able to navigate this site and send messages to members, so please bear with me.

Once again, thank you, Mark, for having this really great resource center.

I am looking forward to the future here with you all again, my friends.


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Hi Jim and well also Jim

Thank you for the welcome comments.

This is once again my return.

Very soon I'll be here writing again.

I'll be taking quality photos of some interesting items.

Until next time.


I have returned here to read all the wonderful articles that were posted while I was away. There is the group AR-3A repair manual, Advent speaker

comparison, Dynaco A-25 drawing, AR-3 version comparison, an AR chronological list, a manual for updating the KLH Eight, grille cloth comparisons, just

to name a few and on it goes. I am certain that there is many a night's reading here. You all deserve a lot of credit for an excellent job, well done.

I didn't mention everything because I haven't seen everything yet.

And last but not least, this site is looking all the more excellent, thanks to you and your helpers, Mark.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see you back here Vern! Things have been slow since the Kitchen was closed.

Hi there

I've been cruising this site since I have had temporary computer access.

This is one great source of assorted hifi information.

The kitchen was opened and also closed while I was absent.

They say, "stay out of the kitchen, if you can't cook".

Well I can't cook.

My guess is that there was a good purpose intended for that particular spot, but

it got out of hand, maybe.

I've left reading that section until I've looked over the rest of the site.

In the past I've downloaded several archival drawings here and suggested that they be posted

into the library or qued for the library.

There is now a location for this, great, thank you very much, Mark.

The fusing sheets are all in the AR library now, on one page or screen at least, with only one

exception, one more sheet, which still needs to be downloaded to CSP, later.

I see this site has visually changed and improved and I am very happy to return here and maybe

offer some more archival literature and maybe even some advice or least positive commentary.

Maybe even a little humour at times.

There are some great writers here and I look forward to reading more super write-ups.

One topic that I have thought a lot about is, fusing speakers, a controversial topic at times but to me very important.

This would include other than just AR speaker fuses.

Such as, Advent, Dynaco and Dahlquist DQ-10, etc, etc.

Bussmann and Littlefuse fuses have become very expensive and maybe the members can come uo with a more

reasonable but acceptable alternative.

I would hope that there will be some quality feedback from members and visitors alike.

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