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AR3a pots


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There is no exact replacement in terms of construction. However, electronic parts suppliers like Newark do sell Ohmite 15 ohm, 25W rheostats that will provide the same performance. The only caveat is you will need to cover the wiper section as it is exposed - unlike the A/P rheostats. Covering it will keep the FG or PET out of that area and prevent 'dead spots' in the wiper action due to the insular nature of those stuffing fibers.

Be prepared to spend some $ for new Ohmites. You may get lucky though and find some used, clean A/P posts on the net. Vintage AR on ebay offers a pot as well.

You should also do a search on pots in the AR area. There's been much discussion about your plight in the past.

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I have some of the Ohmites Carl referred to. Also some used AR pots.

Send me a PM if interested and I'll go dig them out and let you know condition & price


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