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AR9, best re-foam kit ? (U.K. owner).

lance G

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Living in the u.k.

I anticipate that I will eventually need a refoam kit for my AR9's.

I further anticipate that I will most likely need to source it from the U.S. with additional, somewhat distasteful, customs/import/shipping costs.

Can members possibly let me definitively know the best supplier for the CORRECT kit ? With the additional cost considerations mentioned above I would like to be absolutely sure I am not going to have any later, post fitting, regrets. It does not necessarily need to be the cheapest, just the correct one !


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  • lance G changed the title to AR9, best re-foam kit ? (U.K. owner).

Have you considered audiofriends.nl based in Holland. I used Fred's surrounds for my AR-9.


I used to get surrounds from US from


I was VERY satisfied with their products, I only changed to reduce customs fees

BRgds Klaus

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  • 2 years later...

Bumping this one up.

I anticipate replacing the 12" foams (x4) soon. The drivers had already been re-foamed some time ago by the previous owner, the existing "roll" width seems to be around 17mm, I suspect this may be wrong ?

Can someone please confirm the correct "roll" dimension/re-foam kit ? I would like the compliance to be correct, I don't want carry out the work with the wrong part/s !

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6 hours ago, Andre_Db66 said:


Sent to you from the Netherlands, so i am afraid taxes are unavoidable coming from anywhere outside UK.

Reliable and compliant


Thank you, and thanks to others for their previous replies.

BUT, does anyone have the original dimensions of the original factory fitted surround foams just to fully confirm perfect suitability ? (Roy C, help?!)

That isn't to dispute that the suggested items are not suitable, I just want 100% original specification.

From the suggested (as above at 15mm, 246mm-216mm/2) it would seem that the surround foams currently fitted to my speakers may or not be quite correct. The attached, whilst not particularly scientific should hopefully show what is currently fitted, seemingly around 17mm.


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The replacement shown in Andre's link is the preferred replacement and is closest to the original. The original roll was about 5/8 inch. Frankly, it really doesn't matter what the original dimensions were, as there are only two available. It is not like you can shop for anything else anyway. Fortunately the most common one (shown in his link) is the best fit. It is the one on the left in the attached photo.

The foam shown in your photo appears to be the "other" replacement, which is primarily characterized by a larger outer mounting lip. I see no reason to replace it if it is still functional.


Foam Comparison.JPG

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