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Guest Furtsurfer

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Guest Furtsurfer


I am a new member from Belgium. system set up is a McIntosh MC2105, a C28 (reserve), a MR78 (the BEST tuner), a pair of Acoustic Energy AE2, in reserve a pair of AR-3a "Improved", a 598/III Empire turntable "Troubador" with cartridge 4000D/III; A new preamp is here: the AudioValve Eklipse, very good performer. Speaker cables are Van den Hull, interconnects QED, LiveWire, Axon power conditionners, AudioValve power cords, DRG phono preamp, Siemens large AM Radio from 1949 (excellent), Pilot AM-FM tuner type 580, Eico Am tuner HF94A and more vintage items in radio.

A friend of me is the owner of a AR-7x here in Belgium. This model is not listed in the "Classic Speaker Pages" database. This model was not sold in the US? Phisically, this speaker is a model 7, but for the drivers?

Thank you for informations about this speaker.


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Guest Furtsurfer


I just found a German catalogue dated 03/1977. Both AR-7 and AR-7x are listed. The only differences are:

greater price for AR-7x, a better frequency response (38-22000 Hz for x and 40-20000 Hz for 7) and a better efficiency for the x: 3 W for 94 dB, 4.8 w/94 dB for 7.

Catalogue's Name: HI-FI - Handbuch für guten Einkauf. 03/1977 3. Auflage.

Good sunday,


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Guest Furtsurfer

Other AR listed in the catalogue are

4xa - 16 - 2ax - 14 - 12 - 3a Improved - 11 - 10Pi - LST.

In the same catalogue, 2nd edition 03/1976 :

7 - 4xa - 16 - 15 - 2ax - MST Improved - 5 - 3a Improved - 11 - LST/2 - 10Pi - LST.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Furtsurfer

Good Morning ar pro,

My Empire is complete from the beginning (1975) with plexiglass lid and new belt. She is in excellent condition and give good results on both speeds. I have also a lot of cartriges for listening: Empire and Shure. I have Empire catalog and the manual for this model 598/III. The last Empire is the 698, non obtainable here in Belgium and very rare in Europe (not yet seen).

NB. The AR-7x from my friend are in constant use and are in original state, we say from 1977.

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The 598 is a great-looking turntable, and really well-built. I took a tour of the Empire factory in Garden City, Long Island many years ago - they had an outstanding service department, and were quite proud of their products - a lot like Acoustic Research!

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