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AR98 Floor or Shelf Question and Villchur humor


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I have been searching the library for AR guidance on AR98 speaker placement.  Specifically, if it is on the floor should it be against a wall? Or if it is raised from the floor should it be away from walls?   The rear of the speaker has a floor/shelf toggle switch.   Does anyone here know where I can find the guidance supplied by AR?  

I did find some Villchur speaker humor and a bit about design philosophy buried in a 1961 article.

On the art of speaker placement


On the purpose of an AR speaker




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Aadams' tale of Villchur's humor is interesting.

When I worked at Boston Acoustics, I wrote all the owner's manuals, training guides, magazine ads, etc for my products. One of them was the Recepter radio, a really good AM/FM mono table-top radio that sold for $159.00 (around 2001 or 2, if I recall).

When we did the manuals, before we sent them out to print, we'd pass the draft around to people to see if they made sense. I put a "hook" in the Recepter's draft, to see if people were really reading it. For the FM antenna, I wrote something like, "Orient the antenna to the position that delivers the best reception, which is guaranteed by Murphy's Law to be the worst-looking location, like draped over the front of the kitchen counter."

Well, BA's president came to my office holding the draft of the manual. I thought I was done for, in big trouble for joking around.

"I love this!" he said. So it stayed in the final manual, packed with every product.

It even made it into the next product's manual, which was done after I'd left the company.

People love humor, if it's done intelligently and tastefully. People are people.

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