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  1. My favorite speakers of all time!
  2. Are there any compatible AR 7 tweeters out there for a good price?
  3. RickB

    Dynaco A25 clone

    These look great-good job!
  4. I do not want to deal with the itchiness any more and I found out recently i am prone to allergies with this material.
  5. I need to find out how much acoustic stuffing(volume and weight) I need to replace the fiberglass in my AR 2ax's-thanks for the help
  6. Thanks Genek, Do you have a link besides "Vintage AR" for those repros.? Ink or paint on brass is what I am looking for. I was going to try my hand at making some(AR-2ax).
  7. Has anyone tried to make the AR brass logos using brass sheets and/or plates and stencils?
  8. Parts Express latest catalog has the replacement tweeters on sale for $17.98 each.
  9. Parts Express latest catalog has the replacement tweeters on sale for $17.98 each.
  10. Are the speakers AR 3 or AR 3a. On this site is a really good download of how to restore the AR 3a but it also can help you on the AR 3. On the opening page on the left you will see a heading " Restoring the AR3a". Please post pictures of the speakers. Rick
  11. Great job! Did you use or will you use Roy's goop on the woofers surrounds?
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