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New title for The Classic Speaker Pages?


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I've been tossing around some ideas to enhance the website for everyone, and thought a more meaningful title might be in order. What do you all think of the following title:

"The New England Speaker Pages"

With a caption of "Specializing in the classics."

That makes it (more) clear what the mission is. I'm open to thoughts on this!



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I think the site title is fine. It's the URL address that's a mess. I've lost your address a couple of times and had a heck of time finding it again.

The site doesn't pop up easily using search words and a typical search engine. I suspect it may be due to the disconnect between the URL and the site name.


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It's a fine suggestion, but I think that the current name is just fine, too. Looking at posts on other fora (AK and AA) the title "Classic Speaker Pages" already seems to have a decent brand.

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Agreed - I think a compromise may be to make the caption (and reference to New England area manufacturers) stand out more.

Are there any good graphics people out there? A logo would be great. Maybe a speaker with a map of New England overlaid? That would probably be tough to do. I'll keep thinking about it. ;)


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>If we decide to keep the name of the site as "Classic Speaker

>Pages" then it follows that we should use


I agree. I think the Classic Speaker Pages is a good title, and www.classicspeakerpages.net would make the site a lot easier to find, and remember. Also, if that URL went directly to the Classic Speaker Pages, rather than stopping at the main arsenal.net homepage.

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I kind of liked the New England title that you thought about, but will be perfectly delighted to be able to access The Classic Speaker page more easily than the whole arsenal thing. I lost the link or bookmark once or twice, and for someone who is not too computer savvy, it was a bear to be able to re-capture it.

As far as a logo, how about a red circle with diagonal red line, circling and bisecting one of those lattice grillework Kabuki speakers from the major electronics manufacturers? That may keep the riff-raff out, or at least the ones with canned hams on the side of their head instead of ears.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's done. The website is now available at:


I will leave the website in the old location for a while to give people time to adjust their bookmarks.

I also bought and installed a battery backup system for the server that will shut it down safely in the event of a prolonged power outage.


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