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AR Turntable

Guest SteveG

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Hi All,

Sorry for infiltrating the site with a non-speaker issue. Hope this is ok.

I have an AR "TA" turntable that is a little rough. Tom Tyson tells me that this model preceded the XA, but appears identical. Problem is I am missing one of the little screws that go into the sides of the tone-arm block (rectangular block in the middle of the arm). These screws have a point at the end that goes into a pivot on the top of the tone-arm support rod.

I am hoping someone might have a leftover one of these, perhaps from a trashed table. If so, please let me know. Also if anyone knows where a replacement might be purchacsed, that would ber great too. Thanks all.

I am also missing the little set screw for the counterweight, but that is not critical, as any screw will do.


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  • 3 weeks later...

To any who are interested, I had no luck at all in getting these parts at home depot, a very comprehensive hardware store, or ata sewing machine repair store. Lots of close but no fit. So i resorted to a little cigar box of small bolts I have from my grandfather. Sure enough, I found a match for both bolts. For the pivot pin I carefully ground a point on the one that fit with a Dremel. Works like a champ. Back in business.

The bad news is that these parts are apparently just not available.

Steve G

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Guest Brian_D

That doesn't surprise me. (that they're not available) But I'm glad you found some that work!

I guess you always have the option of drilling and tapping for a more common size (if there's room) but the room for error is great in that case!

How do you like that turntable? I have a Yamaha YP-D6 (the legendary D8's little brother) and I'm a little disapointed, I see the AR turntables on auction sites and whatnot that go pretty cheap, and I've been entertaining the idea of replacing the Yam.

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I enjoyed my XA in college, and finally replaced it with a Thorens 125. As I recall, the SME arm was a substantial improvement over the AR, which was solid & reliable, but unable to use the lighter-tracking cartridges of the day. Acoustic Research addressed that with their later turntable (I think it used an OEM Japanese arm), but that original AR turntable was really something - a design classic!

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After doing the necessary work on the AR TA I have been extremely happy. I have had an old Dual 1219 that I got in College too many years ago. Havent really used records much for perhapps 10 years. The latest cartridge I bought was a Stanton 881s. It was thought to be pretty good back then, and I had a replacenment stylus for it too. I put this in the AR TA, It is rates as 1gram without the brush attachment and 2 grams with. I installed it with the brush at 2 grams tracking weight. Results are excellent. I also have a somewhat older Shure V15 II that tracks at 3/4 gram, but never sounded as crisp and clear as the Stanton. I left that on the 1219.

I haven't spent any time with really pricey turntables, but the AR seems hard to beat, especially if you don't mind all manual.


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>How do you like that turntable? I have a Yamaha YP-D6 (the

>legendary D8's little brother) and I'm a little disapointed, I

>see the AR turntables on auction sites and whatnot that go

>pretty cheap, and I've been entertaining the idea of replacing

>the Yam.


The AR turntable is really a top-performing product. It was top-ranked in nearly every review and rating. This is another product from the inventive mind of Edgar Villchur (AR-1, AR-2, AR-3 and AR-4) and it is probably the most copied product of its time ever. A properly working AR-XA (and TT and TA) turntable (this is not necessarily true of the later turntables) will hold its own against just about anything out there, and the turntable easily met and exceeded the old NAB broadcast standards. Quite frankly, there aren't many consumer turntables that can lay claim to that standard. The great advantage of the AR is its 3-point suspension system, precision ground belt, speed accuracy, low wow and flutter and so forth. Many a great turntable -- including the revered Linn-Sondek LP-12 -- were unabashed copies of the AR-XA.

So, Brian, you probably can't go wrong with an AR turntable, but the AR-XA-versions are probably the best of them all.

--Tom Tyson

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>The bad news is that these parts are apparently just not


Hi Steve;

I do not think that you are looking in the right places .

A hobby shop that has model railroad detail parts probably has screws that match, and there is a company called Small Parts Inc that has an incredible variety of small parts (including screws) http://www.smallparts.com/" target="_blank">http://www.smallparts.com/.

You probably needed something like these for the tone arm block:

http://www.smallparts.com/products/descriptions/ssx.cfm" target="_blank">http://www.smallparts.com/products/descriptions/ssx.cfm

and these for the counterweight:

http://www.smallparts.com/products/descriptions/bsas.cfm" target="_blank">http://www.smallparts.com/products/descriptions/bsas.cfm

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Nigel, Thanks--this site looks like a real find.

Unfortunately though these particular sizes are not right I am pretty sure. #4-40 came closest bue was the wrong thread for both applications. I coulnn't find anything in either SAE or metric that sit the application. US manufacture suggests that this would be SAE, but these standard sizes didn't work. Quite a puzzle. If you or anyone knows the precise size and thread of either of these that would help immensly in locating replacements!! Any idea??? Does anyone have an orig parts or owners manual that might tell size and thread of these??? I was just very lucky to fing one of each in my grandfather's 50-year old cigar box!!!!



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Thanks for the ebay suggestion. I had seen that. Ideally I'd rather just get replacement screws instead of replacing the whole arm. I have that fairly well covered now. Preference for repair rather than replace is to avoid canabalizing this old stuff. I am sure you and others agree it would be nice to keep as much of the vintage AR in operation as possible. It is a little sad to see parts for austion where someone has obviously pulled drivers or tone arms, and likely tossed the rest of the unit.

Regarding my "shot" at rewiring tweeters, I assume you mean comment in another post. Hope noone who is trying to do rewiring took offense. This would indeed be a noble undertaking. If anyone is successful, I have an ii version tweeter that is dead, and Dale has said he has a mess of dead tweeters. Someone who could fix these could get bust. But Tom Tyson says this is next to impossible, so I assume success is unlikely. Too bad.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest shades88


not to bone in on your conversation, but did you do a complete rebuild? If so where did you go for parts? I have a slightly rough AR XA that I would like to begin a rehab on but have been unsuccessful in finding a reliable shop that can supply the replacements I need. It's got a strong motor, but I need replacement belts and dust cover.

Any info would be appreciated


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Hi M,

My rehab really consisted of soldering a couple of the lead wires that had been broken right where the tonearm attaches to the pivot, and replacing the set screw in the counterweight, and fabricating a set poit for one side of the tone arm.

Sounds like your problems are a bit les problemmatic than mine were. I have seen belts listed on ebay (go to "AR" under home audio). They are pretty cheap, $10 or $12 with shipping. I haven't needed one yet, but might pick up a spare. Perhaps someone else has experience with these.

On the dust cover, my guess is that ebay is again the place to look. I have noticed a couple of dustcovers listed in recent weeks. keep your eye out.

If you find any good sources please let us all know. Good luck.


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