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dynaco A35 vs A25 vs AR2ax


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Hi i'm curious for some feedback on the differences on these models. First question when comparing the dynaco A25s with the AR2ax is it safe to say the dynacos have a tighter bass and the Ar's have a slightly deeper bass ? Only asking because looking at the A25 driver its hard to imagine the AR's driver could be tighter. Just on looks alone. I have not re foamed my AR2ax so its hard for me to make a fair judgement. Second question, i was reading an article about the A35's and i came across this, "The A-35 is a sonic refinement of the A-25 in a slightly larger, more complex cabinet with a different crossover for a subtly smoother, wider range, and more articulate sound. Though on first listen some will believe that the A-25 has more bass, extended listening will reveal the authenticity of the A-35's tighter, better defined and extended low end. Perceptibly smoother mid-range transition yields a unified clear imaging that is the key to the A-35's resolution of detail. Audio magazine described the A-35 as "unobtrusive". It is a most appropriate accolade. Many consider it to be the most accurate Dynaco speaker".

Is this true ?

If so would the dynaco A35s also have a tighter deeper bass then the AR2ax ? Just very curious what you guys think ...... thanks

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What you posted sounds like a quotation of Dynaco's old advertising hype as presented on Greg Dunn's Dynaco speaker site. It's a good site, and a great place to start researching Dynacos. I've had all three speakers here, and in my experience, the A-35 sounds a tiny bit more relaxed than the A-25, with maybe a touch deeper bass, but their sonic character is very similar. The AR-2ax is a "fuller" sounding speaker, with probably the deepest bass, and a slightly "rounder" more liquid sound. I'd say your characterization is right: the AR-2ax's bass is deeper than that of the Dynaco A-25, while the A-25's bass is a touch tighter. But I'd say the AR's is also a little deeper (and a touch less tight) relative to the A-35 as well. Here's a review I wrote of the AR-2ax where I compare it to the A-25. I wrote it a few years ago, but I still think it's accurate. I could live with any of the three: Dynaco A-25s, A-35s, or AR-2axs. Hope this helps!


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Your posts bring back good memories: In 1970, I spent several hours comparing the 2aX and A-25 with the cooperation of a helpful (and tolerant) salesman at Lafayette Radio in Manhattan. I preferred (and bought) the A-25s and was very happy with them. When the A-35 was introduced a couple of years later, I bought those, too. Dynaco's description was accurate: the A-35 sounds very similar, just a bit smoother.

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