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vecteur premiere -original design or not


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Hi all,

I've got a pair of Vecteure premiere loudspeakers . Those speakers were introduced in early 80.and were designed by Yves Bernard Andrè . I still enjoy those speaker that look like some little Spica . Those loudspeaker even if are not the latest word in details provide outstanding image and palpable bass. What really like in those speaker is the "effortless driving factor ". I mean that the amplifier feels always at home with them . A friend has told me that Yves Bernard Andrè simply revised the

"the spica design" but I'm not sure .

I've always wanted to know something more about them but I've never found any literature . Can someone let me know something about those speakers ? Could be what I've called "the effortless driving factor " nothing less than a good " Crossover" design ? If so could someone indicate other examples of worthy "crossover design" .

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You've probably seen this: http://www.laserdvd.co.uk/images/vecteur.jpg

The British reviewer damned them with faint praise but admitted they sounded nice. Original price of 700BP (about $1400USD) seemed out of line to the reviewer. They do look a bit like the Spica TC-50 Looks like they may use the same Audax tweeters (no surprise for a French speaker). The review describes a "deceptively simple looking crossover design [that] uses a somewhat unusual serial configuration." Don't know how that relates to the effortless driving factor, and no other info is given on the xo design. Maybe Pete will comment here, since he's our resident Spica guy. There is a LOT of Spica-50 info on the 'net.


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You've probably seen this: http://www.laserdvd....ges/vecteur.jpg

The British reviewer damned them with faint praise but admitted they sounded nice. Original price of 700BP (about $1400USD) seemed out of line to the reviewer. They do look a bit like the Spica TC-50 Looks like they may use the same Audax tweeters (no surprise for a French speaker). The review describes a "deceptively simple looking crossover design [that] uses a somewhat unusual serial configuration." Don't know how that relates to the effortless driving factor, and no other info is given on the xo design. Maybe Pete will comment here, since he's our resident Spica guy. There is a LOT of Spica-50 info on the 'net.


Thanks , for your reply .

Yes , The Lases dvd seem to be the only material available. The speaker's review is very careful. I'd hope to get something from France where Those speakers should be much regarded but I Haven't found anything .

I've got five loudspeaker at home which included the Ohm walsh the Paradigm Atom , Polk monitor 10 and the Ess Ps 9 A.

The "Vecteur " is an overlooked gem . Those speakers are as good as the Ohm walsh in giving an oustanding ambience imagine . The Vecteur "disappear" in your room even if are not omnidirational as the Ohm walsh . Contary to the Paradigm Atom when higher volume are required those not colapse and provide a dinamic contrast to the music, that seem lively .

A dinamic contrast factor to me is very important you can call it "swing factor" but without the" swing factor " music began detached and ascetic ( and that is the reason why I haven't got rid of my LP 12 and VOYD")

I'm not a loudspeker technician but the drivers are very common ( Focal and audax ) so I think the crossover is well designed.

If the Spica have something in common with the Vecteur is easy to understand why Spica sold so much. To me would be interesting to know whether exist other loudspeker that followed the SPICA/Vecteur school .

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  • 2 weeks later...
To me would be interesting to know whether exist other loudspeker that followed the SPICA/Vecteur school .

Not sure what you mean by the Spica/Vecteur "school" but if you mean the slanted baffle board another, highly-regarded but maybe little-known speaker from the 70s or 80s was the JSE Infinite Slope. It had a sloped front, although its name referred to the crossover design, not the cabinet.


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