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Mystery AR coil available free


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I just stripped down an old AR-2-something crossover that I picked up just for the pots (it had the heavier-duty older A-Ks that oxidize but never disintegrate). Tossed the wax block cap, but still have the coil. It's marked "225," no idea what its mH value is. If anybody can use it, it's yours for the cost of a jiffybag and postage. PM me.

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I just stripped down an old AR-2-something crossover that I picked up just for the pots (it had the heavier-duty older A-Ks that oxidize but never disintegrate). Tossed the wax block cap, but still have the coil. It's marked "225," no idea what its mH value is. If anybody can use it, it's yours for the cost of a jiffybag and postage. PM me.

Hey Gene,

It is probably the 1.187mh, #5 inductor. The "225" is the number of turns on the coil bobbin. It can be used in the AR-2a, early 2ax, and later AR-4x.


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Thanks Roy. I still don't have any use for it, so if anybody wants it...

I have a boatload of them. If anybody needs a pair, I would be happy to provide the other one.



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