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AR 3 Project coming along


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I finished replacing the pots and caps on one of my AR 3's. Fiddled with it's mate and got both mid and tweeter working - haven't openned it up yet. So thought I'd set them up with my recently recapped Sui 881 to give them an audition. First time listening to 3's for me.

They are a great match with the Sui. Plan to do some mono lt - rt comparisons to see if I can hear difference from original pots/caps to new.

For now we are listening to Hearts of Space new age on NPR. The AR's are great for this type music.


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Well I finally finished work aeound 8 tonight - a day from hel. Looked forward to giving the 3's a listen as my kids came over yesterday and prevented serious listening session last night. SI throw some Pat Metheny Imahinary Day on.

Geez - are AR 3's really that bland (bad) sounding. So I deceide to do a quick A/B of recapped versus non recapped. Boy the recapped sounds like @$$.

Check pots - sure enough I had the mid turned nearly full the wrong way :lol:

Turned it up as well as the non-recapped which was done a bit and viola!

Now they sound like world class speakers. Lyle Mays piano - superb.

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Well I finally finished work aeound 8 tonight - a day from hel. Looked forward to giving the 3's a listen as my kids came over yesterday and prevented serious listening session last night. SI throw some Pat Metheny Imahinary Day on.

Geez - are AR 3's really that bland (bad) sounding. So I deceide to do a quick A/B of recapped versus non recapped. Boy the recapped sounds like @$$.

Check pots - sure enough I had the mid turned nearly full the wrong way :lol:

Turned it up as well as the non-recapped which was done a bit and viola!

Now they sound like world class speakers. Lyle Mays piano - superb.

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Well I finally finished work aeound 8 tonight - a day from hel. Looked forward to giving the 3's a listen as my kids came over yesterday and prevented serious listening session last night. SI throw some Pat Metheny Imahinary Day on.

Geez - are AR 3's really that bland (bad) sounding. So I deceide to do a quick A/B of recapped versus non recapped. Boy the recapped sounds like @$$.

Check pots - sure enough I had the mid turned nearly full the wrong way :lol:

Turned it up as well as the non-recapped which was done a bit and viola!

Now they sound like world class speakers. Lyle Mays piano - superb.

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  • 1 month later...
How did your old cap/new cap comparo work out?

Nice looking stands. Homemade?

Both sound like @$$ so no comparison. I'm going to clean up the surrounds and use RoyC's new treatment to see if that helps. They hold are but I have feeling they may be stiff.

Stands are VTI center channel metal stands. I like the larger platform and 13" hieght seems very good for most of my speakers.

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Both sound like @$$ so no comparison. I'm going to clean up the surrounds and use RoyC's new treatment to see if that helps. They hold are but I have feeling they may be stiff.

Stands are VTI center channel metal stands. I like the larger platform and 13" hieght seems very good for most of my speakers.

Your Sansui can't drive these speakers I have a fully restored 9001(Thats a quad bob restore 1800.00)and it can't drive them and I have 3 pair of AR 3 four pair of AR3A's and if that is not enough about 50 other pairs of AR Speakers you need a amp that can drive them to get them to sound good they sound good with a AR amp that has also been restored

these need a 2 ohm stable amp and they are just sucking your sansui dry

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