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Searching for numbers?

Guest 2tubular

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  • 5 months later...
I find the search won't work with less than 4 characters. How can I search for specific model numbers like KLH model 6?


I'll second this question/comment. The search function is dysfunctional in terms of searching for speaker designators and such. AR-6, no, no response for that. JVB - nothing. If there were some way to like in to a google search on these pages, as seen in other groups I'm a member of, I think we'd all enjoy much better access to the information contained in this great site!

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The search function is dysfunctional in terms of searching for speaker designators and such. AR-6, no, no response for that. JVB - nothing. If there were some way to like in to a google search on these pages, as seen in other groups I'm a member of, I think we'd all enjoy much better access to the information contained in this great site!

For a workaround solution, see this post .


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  • 3 months later...
For a workaround solution, see this post .


I've explained individually to quite a few people, but the search functionality takes a lot of CPU time and with there occasionally being over 60 people *concurrently* using this website I can't enable the full search functionality without impacting the speed of the entire site. To give you an idea of why I haven't bought a more powerful server - the Google AdSense revenue from the forums has been just about $100, total. The cost for the business DSL into my second bedroom for this server is over $100 a month. The math obviously hasn't worked out for me to buy a $3,000 Mac Pro.

There is good news however related to search functionality with the next major release of this forum software which is currently in beta testing:



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Here's a suggestion worth considering perhaps.

Now both visitors and registered members can use the search function.

Could it be reset so only registered members could do searches? That might benefit you as well to get visitors registered? I suspect the number searches going on concurrently would drop significantly. Do you know if visitors use the search function more than registered members? The answer to that might help.

This is the best resource for all things NE loudspeakers on the WWW. Why not give an incentive for more visitors to join?


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Here's a suggestion worth considering perhaps.

Now both visitors and registered members can use the search function.

Could it be reset so only registered members could do searches? That might benefit you as well to get visitors registered? I suspect the number searches going on concurrently would drop significantly. Do you know if visitors use the search function more than registered members? The answer to that might help.

This is the best resource for all things NE loudspeakers on the WWW. Why not give an incentive for more visitors to join?


Hi Carl,

Good suggestion - I just disabled the search function for guests. I don't have statistics on search use, but the vast majority of users on the server at any one time are guests. In theory I think this change allocates more server time to regular visitors which makes sense to me. If guests really want to avoid registering but still want to search the forum content, they can always use Google.


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Hi Mark:

Now that you disabled the search functionality for visitors, does that mean you have turned on the <4 character search capability? I'd sure like to use it as well for all the reasons cited by the original poster here.



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Hi Mark:

Now that you disabled the search functionality for visitors, does that mean you have turned on the <4 character search capability? I'd sure like to use it as well for all the reasons cited by the original poster here.



Hi Carl,

I'm making a backup of the entire server now. Once it's done, I'll try 2 characters and better for search criteria.


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Hi Carl,

I'm making a backup of the entire server now. Once it's done, I'll try 2 characters and better for search criteria.


The configuration change I made to the forum software didn't have an impact on the search functionality, so I may have a database issue to deal with. (In other words, I think MySQL settings are overriding the forum software's settings.) I'm working on it.


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