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I got the burhoe blues

Guest Jay5000

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Guest Jay5000

Hi, picked up a pair of burhoe blue speakers, featuring, radio shack woofers, hmmm. On the other hand the price was $10 and the tweeters still work. Any ideas on more appropriate 10" woofers? These things worth fixing?


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  • 2 years later...
Hi, picked up a pair of burhoe blue speakers, featuring, radio shack woofers, hmmm. On the other hand the price was $10 and the tweeters still work. Any ideas on more appropriate 10" woofers? These things worth fixing?


While your post is now 2 years old if you still have these, I'd call Audio Pro in Watertown, MA and talk to Vince about replacement woofers. He may even have a pair of original woofers that have been refoamed. Among other things Audio Pro is an audio salvage yard for gear. He scavenges parts from old gear and keeps them in the basement.

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And I'm guessing you know this already, but Human Speakers works on these:


Considering the Blues were TOTL (described as "the ultimate classical bookshelf speaker in the Burhoe Acoustics line") and given Burhoe's credentials (AR, Epicure/EPI, Boston Acoustics etc) they should be WELL worth fixing. And the cabinets are beautiful!

Hope it's not too late ;)


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