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Anyone have a KLH 12 schematic?


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I just bought a nice pair of KLH Model 12 speakers, with the outboard crossovers. I'm thinking about recapping them, but before I go pulling them apart I thought it would be a good idea to look at a roadmap. There are 7 caps in there, but 4 of them appear to be dual value, so I'd need to put in 11 replacements and space is an issue, since they all have to fit inside the outboard box.



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thanks Vern

Guess I don't need a schematic--I'll just replace everything in there. Some of the old caps are duals, so they'll be replaced with 2.


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The components shown in your photo are pretty much the same ones used in the KLH5 I've been working on - just more of them. It makes sense because both were manufactured in the same time frame, '68-'72 according to the summary in the library archive.

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Carl's Custom Loudspeakers

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