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Radio repair shop recommendations??


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Sorry that this is a repeat post, but my last one sort of got lost in another thread.

Can anyone recommend a repair shop for my KLH Model 18 (solid state) tuner? Thanks

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Guest russwollman

Wayne at In-House Service Co in Setauket, NY recently modified two older NAD pieces for me—a big amp and a receiver—and I just sent him a Marantz 22 receiver for restoration. He's both competent and reasonable. Highly recommended. Web address is http://www.angelfire.com/art2/stereorepair117/index.html.

Here's a website devoted to tuners: www.fmtunerinfo.com/.

You might poke around in there.

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thanks! I actually have the tuner site bookmarked already, but the info on the repair shop is welcome! I'll check it out.

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