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AR amplifier

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Hi all,

It has been a while since I posted anything.

Hope all of you are doing well.

I just got an AR AU amplifier.

I plan to use this with the AR-2ax pair in the living room.

It's got a bit of hummmmmm and scratchy controls.

Appears to be unmolested.

I downloaded the service manual but am hoping someone here has opened one of these up before.

The perforated cabinet material appears to have been attached with expansion rivets to the center of heat sinks.

Is there a trick to opening this up that isn't mentioned in the manual?





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Hi Lou

Good to see you back. Nice find.

I had 2 of those back in 2008 or so. Kind of sorry I sold the "keeper" but you know--too much gear, too little room.

I looked at some old pics of the innerds and I'm quite sure the cabinet was attached with screws threaded into the heat sinks. My guess is the steel screws and aluminum sinks reacted over time (forget the technical term. Galvanic corrosion?) and the screws are virtually welded in there now. Maybe apply some heat and tap them? A little PB Blaster? Sorta reminds me of the Big Bang episode with the frozen lug nuts 😀

Good luck and be sure to post pictures of your restoration.


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No, the rivets attached to a rod that went through to the bottom of the heat sink and tightened with nuts.

Should'a looked underneath first....

Amp was restored and is in the niece's living room.

Nice amp, but it didn't have the magic I was remembering them having from when I looked at high end hifi at Musicraft in high school.

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Hey Lou

Glad you figured it out. I didn't mean to mislead. Here's a closeup, a little fuzzy, of what looks to me like a threaded hole in the heatsink. Did your rod go through a hole like that or was it between the fins? 



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