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AR9 Midrange Panels


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Hi guys, I recently purchased a pair of AR9's, I arranged to pick these behemoths up later this week. I did notice one thing that concerned me. On one of the speakers it seems to be natural wood surrounding the mid-range, on the other there appears to be a black panel. Is that removable or something that should cause concern? Also are the foam inserts required around the tweeter?  Just wondering if I am missing any parts because I see the velcro pads there. 

Either way, I can't wait to pick them up later this week and hear how they sound, after getting them refoamed of course. I have a Luxman M-4000 and a ARC D120 waiting for them :) 

Thanks for your insights and expertise. 




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Black/wood panel may not be an issue, how close are the speaker serial numbers ?

I believe most of the "foam inserts required around the tweeter" will have fallen to bits by now and are, as far as I know, irreplaceable, and also possibly considered by some to be of little consequence. There would likely have been the same foam around the midrange/s, which would have hidden the black/wood panel matter anyway.

It does look like you will need to immediately re-foam the lower midrange driver surrounds, and I daresay the side firing woofers also.

A crossover capacitor change is also likely to be beneficial.

IMHO, all well worth doing. Plenty of guys on here to chime in with their advice.

Great speakers, get them put right and thoroughly enjoy ! They should be keepers !


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Just to clarify, I daresay the black upper midrange panel is a painted finish, you could possibly paint the corresponding wood finish area on the other speaker to match. Or just live with it ?

I assume you have the front speaker grilles ? They will of course "hide" all when attached.

Also, nice Beaver !

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Congratulations on your new speakers!

The face of the AR-9 is veneered top-to-bottom, and the unpainted surface around the midrange driver is unusual, but of no real consequence. 

The early version of the AR-9 did not have the foam inserts for the upper mid and tweeter. The inserts are subject to deterioration, although I have seen examples in the past few years of intact, but still-fragile AR-9 inserts.  Some guys have fabricated replacements, but you probably shouldn't lose any sleep over their absence.

As Lance G pointed out, the 8" lower mids will need to be re-foamed, as will the four woofers, if they still have their original surrounds.

There are many threads on re-capping the AR-9, which is a fairly easy thing to do, once the woofers have been removed. 


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1 hour ago, lance G said:

Black/wood panel may not be an issue, how close are the speaker serial numbers ?

I believe most of the "foam inserts required around the tweeter" will have fallen to bits by now and are, as far as I know, irreplaceable, and also possibly considered by some of little consequence. There would likely have been the same foam around the midrange/s, which would have hidden the black/wood panel matter anyway.

It does look like you will need to immediately re-foam the lower midrange driver surrounds, and I daresay the side firing woofers also.

A crossover capacitor change is also likely to be beneficial.

IMHO, all well worth doing. Plenty of guys on here to chime in with their advice.

Great speakers, get them put right and thoroughly enjoy ! They should be keepers !


Yes I was planning on having a refoam done as well as research what will be the best route to upgrade the xover. Are there specific replacements you will recommend? In reality, I am months way from hearing these.

However they have me intrigued, one of my very rare forrays outside the word of JBL and ADS. 

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 Did you get the front grilles with them ? They are not visible in the pictures.

They look like potentially, unmessed with, original speakers, with the correct (hopefully all working) originally fitted drivers, I am assuming the four non pictured woofers are also original ?

Your picture resolution is quite good,. Not possible to be totally sure but the serial numbers look to be close, so I think the differing midrange panel is likely from new and would have been hidden by the original, now crumbled and missing, foam inserts. I see there is a painted band around the driver on the UMR wood area, no doubt to originally 'blend' any gap.

Looking at the picture/s, maybe the side grille peg/s may be broken ? I think these may still be available, I seem to recall seeing them on sale somewhere. The cabinets appear to be quite tidy, the marks on the cabinet fronts will be staple marks from the rear of the front grilles and in my experience is not unusual. Also that lower midrange dust cap needs teasing out, although the re-foam will likely see that replaced ? The tweeters and upper midrange seem to have escaped the ever present risk from pokey fingers and physically look good. I guess this would mean that to date they have largely lived with the benefit of fitted grilles ?

Finally, it looks like you may have picked them up at an auction ? If so, out of interest would you care to say how much for ?! Understandable if you would rather not say.

On the face of it, judging from the pictures, a solid basis for a potentially very good restoration. Depending upon what you paid, apparently well done !

Don't forget to give us all an update when they are 'in hand' ! (Anyone else spotted that beaver yet ? Talk about loudspeaker porn !).

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