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Oh, not good


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I am in the process of preparing for a long distance move and today I was getting ready to start packing up the sound system when I noticed this. Surprisingly, the tweeter is still working at least to some degree. Question, is there any way to fix this or is it doomed to the "dead drivers" shelf? I haven't touched it as I don't want to cause any further damage. Luckily , I have a couple of working spares so I can swap it, but that won't be happening for a few months when I get settled in to my new living space.

BTW, the speakers are AR3's, which brings up another question- this appears to have copper windings, weren't the original 3's aluminum wound? Or was that just on the mids? I did replace both tweeters a couple 2 or 3 years ago, now I wonder if they are correct or is this a 3a tweeter?



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That tweeter cannot be easily repaired. Fortunately the same tweeter was used in the AR-2a and early 2ax, so there are many still available. I have never seen one without aluminum voice coil leads, but I wouldn't be surprised if AR had made a change along the way.


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