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10pi and what tweeter?

Guest Bret

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I've searched as well as I know how and cannot locate a thread in which Ken Kantor said that at one time he intended to buy some AR10pi speakers and either add a tweeter or replace the original tweeter, I can't remember which. He said he ended-up with LST's, instead.

I am really taken with the sound of the 10pi and would like to see the reference to the other tweeter.

Does anyone remember in what thread we drifted-off into that?


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Thanks, Toasted. I eventually did ask him in another thread, but frustrated with not being able to find the message I ended-up doing a very wide search and reading a while, but I finally found it.

For anyone reading along, the following is a quote from Ken Kantor in a much earlier thread.

"My original plan was to get used AR10pi's and put a Microacoustics tweeter array on them. This was a fad for a short while."

All that remains is for me to find-out why you'd put a Microacoustics tweeter array "on them" whatever "on" means in this context and what a Microacoustics tweeter array might look like if they are still made.


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So much for that. Microacoustics tweeter arrays seem to be long gone with the best description I can find being Ken's own comments on the Classic Speaker Pages.

Imagine that. Learning something from this site ! ;-)


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No I won't! I won't say it!!

I won't ever say Micro??oustics ever again!

This was a 4-tweeter horizontal array that you plunked on top of your speakers of choice. You wired it it parallel with the speaker terminals. It was designed to add extra top end, and increase dispersion. A 10pi and one of these M* arrays was a poor student's LST. Did it work? Well, I guess. Does an EQ work?

Actually, I'm very, very busy with speaker design at the moment. When I get through the 20 hour days, and am ready for a longer discussion, we can get into the whole LST thing. In some ways, that product and the Mi?croa?st* owe their lives to the Bose 901 pentagon. Sorry.

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>In some ways, that product and the Mi?croa?st* owe their lives to the Bose 901 pentagon. Sorry. <

Now, why would you be sorry? Just because direct/reflecting loudspeakers, even ARs, proceed from a strange choice of compromises. . .

Yeah, I know, I'm asking for it on purpose. One of these days I'll have to provoke you into waxing philosophical (maybe even poetic) about the theory behind taking the recorded sound from the microphones sitting just over the woodwinds and blowing it off the back wall (back where the percussion and the back side of the brass would be)in an attempt to approximate the reflected energy the woodwinds might produce if the second strings, the brass, the percussion, and the band-shell just weren't in the way . . .

Maybe if we had the brass face backwards. . .

I never have heard that theory explained so that any idiot (that being me) could understand it. I have heard some Bose 901 Series IIs that weren't hateful and the LST sounds nice. The MGC-1? Hmmm. Maybe if we get that Boston get-together together I'll be able to marvel at those. That's worth a trip to Boston all by itself.

Thanks for not-saying what it was you didn't about that company who's name is not spoken. I feel educated and better not-informed.


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