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Hey Mark! Found something you might


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There's a website www.arsound.com linking to your site pretty heavily. Figured you might like to know. Looks like it's out of Korea or something.


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I just sent the guy an email. I actually think it is a valuable effort to provide most of this information to a Korean audience, but I'm bothered about the publication of individual user comments (without giving anyone, especially the contributor, a heads up) and the direct linking to items on my server.

I'm sure some of you are curious, so this is my feeler email ..

"It just came to my attention that you have been re-publishing extensive material from The Classic Speaker Pages. I do not read Korean, so I am unable to ascertain whether you are properly citing your sources. I assume that you are not because of the verbatim copying and pasting of material.

I do not have a problem with most of the content being re-posted, but this shows very poor taste on your part to be re-posting individual user's comments from my website on yours.

In addition, linking directly to files located on my server shows further poor judgment. I would appreciate it if you take care of this and clarify your position.

Mark Spencer

Webmaster, The Classic Speaker Pages



If I don't get a response, this isn't something I'll worry about too much unless you guys see something re-posted that is really troubling, e.g. a personal email address, phone number, etc. from one of your posts or comments.


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Doubt the person or persons will respond, but I have been wrong before. If you want to know the amount of times I've been wrong, we would have to consult my wife for the **actual** count.

In any case, let us know, Captain.


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