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Replacing grill cloth on 25th Anniv


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I just went and retrieved my old Advent Special Edition speakers from my parents basement - and to my surprise they were not in as good shape as I recall (hey, I owned them in college!). Whiel the walnut finish can easily be sanded, the chips filled and leveled before being re-oiled, the grills are not in the best shape! They seem to be so discolored that I'm not really sure what color the fabric actually was when I bought them back in the '80s -- not to mention a few small holes and pulls here and there.

I've never replaced speaker grill cloth before, but looking at how it was originally installed by Advent it does not look that difficult if done carefully. My question is what color do I look for as at least an acceptable replacement? I've seen a few older Advents with the cream colored cloth grills and a few later models with a gray/beige color, which I've been tiold might probably be difficult to duplicate exactly. Any suggestions?

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Does anyone recall what year the Large Advent 25th Anniversary Speakers came out? My father insists I bought them in the early 1990s, but I seem to recall buying them sometime in the late 1980s. I might still have the sales receipt around but kit would take a lot of searching for.

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>Does anyone recall what year the Large Advent 25th

>Anniversary Speakers came out? My father insists I bought

>them in the early 1990s, but I seem to recall buying them

>sometime in the late 1980s. I might still have the sales

>receipt around but kit would take a lot of searching for.


The 25th Anniversary edition came out in 1993 or 1994. I've been at my current job for 10 years (since 1992) and I remember reading the Stereophile test report on it since I've been in this position.

The 25th Anniversary speaker bore a much greater resemblence to the New Advent of 1977 in terms of driver design and performance than it did to the original Large Advent of 1969.

Steve F.

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Steve: Yes, you're right..I found my old receipt and it shows December 12, 1993 as the date I purchased my speakers. I thought I bought them earlier than that but that was an earlier pair of the Advent Loudspeakers a buddy and I bought at Crazy Eddie (of all places) back in January 1986. Do you recall what issue the 25th Anniversay Editions were reviewed?

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Nope. Sorry. The receipt I found for 12/12/93 is a repair receipt and not the original sales receipt for the 25th Anniversay Edition Advents. So I'm not sure when, exactly, I purchased these speakers to be honest. I've owned two sets of Advents and a few older ARs. I guiess it's a sign of me getting older and losing my mind.

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