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Another marvellous find on dutch Craigslist... AR5

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20240303_173811.jpg.02ad8ff2f21664bb85788105fba645d6.jpgVery happy to inform everyone interested,  about a set of AR5 i found in Holland for 200€. Unfortunately the tweeters had the wires cut while they seemd unopened. I had to break free the grills. I have 2 tweeters in the LST2 that are inside wired. They can hopefully be exchanged with these. I have already gone ahead and removed them along with the foam rotted woofers. The refoamed ones from the LST2 are now playing along with the internal wired tweeters. I cannot say other than that they are amazing. They are absolutely in the same league as the AR3a, possibly even better. I am not keen to admit but they make the AR3a seem boomy and bass heavy. As though the balance is better. Obviously both models are keepers and adding this to my increasingly extensive collection is platinum. There are also some AR MST for sale but it perhaps not as tempting as the AR5 or even AR6. I find them a kind of oddball, perhaps also because i am actually starting to lack space for setting them up properly.20240303_174105.thumb.jpg.47b16473c7a3c063907a666487dfb166.jpg


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The AR3a woofer is simply in an undersized cabinet... the only conclusion i can make so far. The 10 inch is placed in a similar sized cabinet to the AR3a and the bass is actually better. Perhaps subjective?

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2 hours ago, Andre_Db66 said:

Perhaps subjective?

Yes.  Assuming they are operating correctly and identically placed in relation to reflective boundaries and the listeners ears, the 3 series plays bass much lower than the 5.  In your photo, the gain from room placement favors the 5 because it is on the floor. You are probably hearing a mid bass hump.

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30 minutes ago, Aadams said:

Yes.  Assuming they are operating correctly and identically placed in relation to reflective boundaries and the listeners ears, the 3 series plays bass much lower than the 5.  In your photo, the gain from room placement favors the 5 because it is on the floor. You are probably hearing a mid bass hump.

Ok agreed... but my room is very big. Dont know in feet but it is 100m² and ceiling is 3.8m. Taking into consideration that there is gain from placement, at 10 meters away sideways they have the same deep bass as ar3a. So acknowledging i give the ar5 advantage i find that irrelevant because the lower frequencies are perceived that way. Mid bass is not what i experience being bumped. The ar3a in the same position sound awful. A friend of mine acknowledges this with regard to his ar11. He says like me his speakers need to be lifted from the floor, because the bass sounds horrible. So where all my speakers are positioned is only best according to room acoustics vs performance not taste. This makes the result more objective. Let the speakers perform best according to the room restrictions. If i place the ar5 up, at 10m the bass is still there, trust me and i find the ar5 shared first place.... i could perfectly rid the ar3a and be content with this sound. However... i do like it loud and nothing beats the stacked ar3a. Next week i will have that hooked up to a pair of yamaha pc2602. 4 x 400 watt@4R.

Uhhh... perhaps the JBL 15 project with 2 x 30watt Amcron and 1200 watt 18 inch sub is a nice match or beats the previous but also sounds very different.


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