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A pair of M50's for me


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I loved EPI speakers growing up in the Boston area in the 60's/70's. I had a pair of 100's, and friends and family had other models, but I distinctly remember the brand being very popular. Unfortunately you don't see them around much on the West Coast, so it was to my nice surprise when a pair of M50's became available for a few bucks a few miles from my home. I checked them out, everything seemed in good order, and made them mine.


Connected to my McIntosh MC2105 they sound wonderful, and fill the room. The previous owner only had them a few months, and he got them in a flea market so no idea of the history. For now at least, all I've done is clean up the cabs with some Liquid Gold and played good tunes through them.





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2 hours ago, Jeff_C said:

I don't know much about the M50, but couldn't help noticing the Jim Rogers JR149, with foam speaker cover in wonderful condition.

Good notice! Didn’t know about this speaker a few months ago until I got interested in maybe getting a pair of LS3/5A’s and somebody suggested the 149’s as a lower cost, better sounding variant. Magically a pair showed up for sale restored shortly after and I took a chance. And I’m happy I did. Wonderful speaker that provides room filling sound.  Very musical. Those are reproduced foam grills btw. Got them from a 149 enthusiast in the UK.

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