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AR7 amp matching / upgrade


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Hi! I am a relatively new owner of some AR7's (lockdown fever got me into looking through and buying a pair of speakers and fell upon these). 

Have an amplifier that i bought as a teenager on ebay (was being sold with what were my first pair of studio monitor) driving the AR7's and am curious as to its whether it's worth an upgrade?

The amp is a denon pma-255uk. Have had zero issues with my listening experience so far, my room is not ideal, they are on desk mounted speaker stands a foot away from the wall, making a triangle roughly 1.5m each side but theyve been wonderful for the vinyls i'm listening to these days.

My main question being, are there any entry level amps that anyone would recommend? Any recommendations on power output for these, or is the amp side of things not something i should be worrying about... plannign to upgrade vinyl deck to rega planar 1 (borrowing a friends audiotechnica atm).

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4 hours ago, NIMA said:

The amp is a denon pma-255uk. Have had zero issues with my listening experience so far, my room is not ideal, they are on desk mounted speaker stands a foot away from the wall, making a triangle roughly 1.5m each side but theyve been wonderful for the vinyls i'm listening to these days.

Your amp is a good match.  It is not in the category of vintage gear that is so old as to be questionable. If you don't hear or suspect a problem now there is no need to change. Focus on cartridges and turntables if you are a vinyl fan.


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