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AR91 to new life Thanks Saso!

Giorgio AR

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Thanks to a kind thought by Saso,


a member here, I came into possession of my 23rd pair of Acoustic Research speakers!
These AR91s were purchased new by Saso's father when Slovenia (the state of Saso) was still part of the federation of Yugoslavia, which was part of the Non-Aligned Countries at the time: not the western or eastern block of the time, but closer to the former USSR than to the West.
Probably at the time in Yugoslavia these import speakers in addition to an increase in price, were burdened with heavy customs duties !!
Well Saso who met me through this site, after writing to me that he had a pair of AR91s that he could not keep, offered them to me as a gift, being his country a few kilometers from the Italian border he even offered himself (due to Covid, we Italians cannot leave the state) to take them to Italy with an encounter at about 40 km. from my home.
On Tuesday we met, the speakers went from the trunk of his car to mine, he didn't want anything in return, I proposed to give him a pair of smaller speakers that could easily be placed in his home, he didn't want to!
He stated that he is happy that AR91 will go into the hands of an enthusiast and find a new musical life in a new home.

Taken the AR91 and brought home, today they are back in excellent shape and with all the original components working, the biggest problem was represented by the 2 mediums which had old flattening on the entire circumference of the domes and also 2 holes on a dome and relative suspension , really badly put, now they are in restored shape and efficiency (I will open a thread as soon as I can on the restoration of the domes). Cleaned from the dust accumulated over the years the cabinets and speakers, then wash the cabinets with a specific product for wood to remove all the accumulated dirt and give two successive coats of linseed oil to renew the veneer. Paint retouching remains to be carried out later (if there are any suggestions about the color and type of paint they are welcome!), To pick up two corners of the cabinets and add a clamp for the positive cable to one of the speakers cut by the previous owner.

Below my 23rd pair of Acoustic Research speakers

AR91 in the condition in which I took them


AR91 after my treatment and with the midranges restored to new life.


Grazie, hvala (thanks) Saso!!!




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