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How long?

Guest oldengland

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Guest oldengland

I have just joined this forum after guesting for a week or two. I am delighted to see that there is such a following for AR. I bought my kit 33 years ago in Germany and shipped it to England where it remains today and still all working fine.

I am curious to know how many of you are original new buyers of 60's and 70's AR kit and still have it in continuous use today.

Incidentally, I bought a pair of LSTs, a pair of 3as, a pair of Amps, (I was trying quadrophonics with a Heathkit unit) and a tuner. I have the original receipt and the LST's and 3as recently sold on Ebay for a lot more than I paid.

I have retired the amps and tuner for now in favour of a Carver (modern) tuner/preamp and a pair of Leak TL50s (Late 60's Valve/tube amps of huge power). Wonderful pure natural sound.

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I own my Grandfathers pair of AR-2's. He purchaced one in 1959 and one in 1960. He had them until 1972, at that time he gave them to my Father. My father used them until around 1990. They stayed idle until 1993, when I started using the stereo (I was 5 at the time) He let me have them in my room 1994, along with the turntable and everything else. I have had them ever since. I am 17 now, and I still have them, they serve as monitors in my recording studio. These are the family speakers. I have yet to hear a better speaker than the AR's. I have listned to many speakers costing thousands, and still, nothing sounds better.

I also have a pair of AR-3's and 4x's but My father bought the 3's used, and I bought the 4x's used. I use my 4x's as mobile monitors, when I am recording on site, and they are the speakers that are going to college with me.

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As for me personally, still have the AR-MSTs that I bought in 1976 while stationed in Germany and the AR-11s that I bought in 1978 towards the end of my assignment over there.

In the family, my father still has a set of 2ax's that he bought new around 1972 or so. Think he picked up his AR-11s at about the same time I did and not sure when Richard picked up his pair of AR-11s.

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Guest lmrosenthal

I purchased a pair of AR3a speakers new in 1970. I still have them and use them every day. I also purchased an AR XA turntable in 1967 or so. Don't have the turntable anymore - it was destroyed in a move many years ago, but the 3a's still play as beautifully as ever.

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