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AR-9's in Scotts Valley CA


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Just happened to see this ad on Craigslist and thought someone might be interested.


Not mine and no relation to the seller.



Acoustic Research AR9,late model,upgraded wiring & spare tweeters,NICE - $1300 (scotts valley)

Date: 2010-09-07, 9:57AM PDT

Vintage Acoustic Research AR9 Speakers

If your looking, you know how hard these are to find, and just how badly you want them....................

This is the later 80's model with the foam insert and the dual #6 coils on the upper midrange, the early version from the 70's did not have the foam and had one #6 coil

The internal wiring has been upgraded with large gauge OFC and all those push-on connectors were eliminated with solder joints!

12AWG for the input and woofers

14AWG for the upper bass

16AWG for the midrange

Stock wire on the tweeter

The four input connectors have been upgraded to insulated gold 5-way posts which will accept up to an 8AWG wire, a spade lug or banana plug.

All four bass drivers have new foam surrounds in addition to the lower midrange drivers.

Cabinets are near perfect, the wood veneer is wonderful!

Grills are solid with all the posts and logo's...

As a bonus, I have two spare tweeters still in the AR boxes, plus the owner's manual and four sets of gold AR banana plugs for your wires

In short, a excellent set, ready to plug & play!

Ask for pictures...... Cheers

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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PostingID: 1941060655


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