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AR-1 Sold for $1,500

Guest SteveG

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Guest SteveG

A very interesting development. As the link below will show, a pair of AR-1 speakers has sold on EBAY for $1,500. These are clearly of historical significance and collectable for AR buffs. But this is quite a price. I recall someone commenting earlier amazement that a pair of LST's in mint condition sold for $1,525. These AR 1's almost matched the price and one woofer didnt work, the other needs foam. I wonder if anyone has a reaction. I wich I had a few pair of original AR-1's !!!



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There's one born every minute IMHO. I am not sure how great they sound, but $1500 is a lot, unless you want to have bragging rights on the rare AR-1s. I would rather not have to put another few hundred in work into them at that price.



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I understand that when these came out there were a lot of Western Electric 755A's just laying around doing nothing, and these were used as the midrange in the AR-1. A lot of people have taken these out through the years and replaced them with Altec 755C's or other things. I'll bet the buyer was expecting to find a pair of WE 755a's in the cabinets, and didn't care about the woofers. I know I sold a WE 755a on ebay for almost $1400. And that was for just ONE!

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