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switch behind large advents

Guest analoguy

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Guest analoguy


how useful is the selector switch in the larger advents ?....they have 3 stages normal ,decreased and high ..........will the difference be heard as we flip the switch ....or should we wait ...or should we flip the switch ...go to the linstener's position and find the diffrence ............cause i didnt find any diffrence ...is my switcher faulty ..or is the difference ...very faint ?....



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Hi there

I believe the switch offers about 2 db increase or decrease in brightness of the tweeter.

How fortunate that a switch offering repeatable settings was used rather than a pot which ended up causing a lot of pain.

Advent certainly did the right move in using switches rather than pots.

Dynaco was very wise and used a 5 position switch in their speakers.

In the high setting the highs should be more slightly extended.

In a live room, one very reflective, decrease may sound slightly smoother.

In a dead room, lots of shag carpet, curtains, etc, high may sound just right.

The highest output of the tweeter is with no resistance in series and by adding resistances in the switching the high level lowers itself, repeatably at least.

Also our hearing of the highs starts to drop off as we age.

Side note.

An open 1/4" x 1" open fuseblock and maybe a 1@ fast blow fuse would add protection of your investment, have lots of spares on hand.

Good luck.



> how useful is the selector switch in the larger advents

>?....they have 3 stages normal ,decreased and high

>..........will the difference be heard as we flip the switch

>....or should we wait ...or should we flip the switch ...go to

>the linstener's position and find the diffrence

>............cause i didnt find any diffrence ...is my switcher

>faulty ..or is the difference ...very faint ?....



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Guest analoguy


thanks for the info about the tweeter switch.....i shall go and check my ears first !....anyway ...iam planning to buy another pair of advent ...for a double advent system ...i wish ..like all say ..its so fantastic !!.....wats ur view about it ....?



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Hi there

If you go to the Advent library you'll find the Double Advent review from HIFI Newsletter.

You stack one on top of the other, tweeters closest together.

I would suggest at least a raised base of 12" off the floor so the the bass isn't overwelming.

Fuse them, as they mention, with 3 @ fast blow fuses or less at least and go for it.

Pretty hard to beat this system.

Be sure you are buying the same version of Advents.

Have a great day and good luck.



> thanks for the info about the tweeter switch.....i shall go

>and check my ears first !....anyway ...iam planning to buy

>another pair of advent ...for a double advent system ...i wish

>..like all say ..its so fantastic !!.....wats ur view about it





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Hi there

The only caution I would raise is that you buy the same verson of Advents.

Ebay usually has oodles of them at any one time, several versions.

Re-foaming is not a problem.

Be sure that your amp can deal with a 4 ohm load as well.

Also fuse your investment.

Please keep us updated as you progess along.

Good luck.



> i shall come up with more qustion once i have all 4 speakers

>in hand ....i hope i get them soon ..




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