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AR Spotting

Guest matty g

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Guest matty g

Hi -

Did anyone else notice a TV commercial for a major brand of air conditioning equipment which opens with a teenage girl listening to music in a living room? It shows a dog taking one of her cd's and running away with it. She chases the dog and there, in the background, a pair of AR3A's on the crisscross stands. You can see the brass badges and all. It's good to see the old standards haven't been forgotten.


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Guest matty g

Actually - I think they were KLH Sixes, though I could be wrong - but I did notice. In the movie Seven with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman there are a couple of close-ups of a KLH Twenty and a Fisher 400 in the background.


(Actually it's Se7en - a disturbing flick!)

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>Hi -

>Did anyone else notice a TV commercial for a major brand of

>air conditioning equipment which opens with a teenage girl

>listening to music in a living room? It shows a dog taking one

>of her cd's and running away with it. She chases the dog and

>there, in the background, a pair of AR3A's on the crisscross

>stands. You can see the brass badges and all. It's good to see

>the old standards haven't been forgotten.


There is currently a Trane air-conditioning ad ("you can't beat a Trane," or something to that effect) with an AR-5 or AR-2ax on the AR stand to the left of a desk or something, and you only see the one speaker. The brass logo badge reflects in the light. You can tell that it is an AR-5 or and AR-2ax by the shape of the grill-cloth panel that you can see through the grill cloth itself. There may be another ad with an AR-3a, but nevertheless it is good to see old AR speakers in these ads. I was told once that AR speakers had been featured in some TV shows and in a few movies, but I don't have a list of which ones.

--Tom Tyson

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Guest matty g

You are correct, Tom, it is either a 2ax or a 5 (plain molding vs. angled molding). I just saw what appears to be a shortened version of that commercial today (they shortened the scene of the girl chasing the dog) and now you only see one speaker. The two of them are standing next to an entertainment center or something. It was a longer version a few weeks ago - but I'm not going to complain about shorter commercials.


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