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my quest for Allison speakers enough for a 11.1 HT system !


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well i have have been a HUGE  fan and admirer of Allison speakers for many years !  been seriously  trying to obtain Allison AL series speakers for a couple years.
it is difficult and to buy any w/ decent , working drivers too!
before i even bought some speakers i was engaged in a futile , sincere quest to have mids and tweeters made yes, NO luck !
No one can, or will and it seems no one has the skills and knowledge even former Allison employees . 
It is pretty sad people are selling FAKE allison mids esp now on e bay execrable BAD clearly damaged drivers w/ some kind of paper cap glued on covering the real dome ! 
the real OEM domes are rounded! not w/flat tops and sides! 
I realise it is a near miracle to get any good drivers as the few around are hoarded by owners !  
to date i have had some limited success ! ( buying whole speakers ) 
I now have 2 pair of AL130 and 4 AL115  2 of the AL 130 have been bastardized w/ some AR mids and sound horrible and the tweeters got damaged in shipment. 
I have been active in several Allison forums and hopefully this bunch is friendlier ,more helpful than some ! ? 

will say the FB group  "Roy Allison " Allison Acoustics Fan  are good guys! helpful and put up w/ me ! 
go there are have a look if you wish  and feel free to comment on my posts! thx ! 
in the other forum there are some real old gurmudgens who are snobs to the inth degree!
one old guy in particular who has modified some of his to the point they are hardly recognizable as Allisons anymore and whilst I have not heard them I am doubtful they sound good !  and no samples of sound are offered ! the guy is illogical in justifying his mods , & is an insufferable boor! highly rude, dismissive and apparently did some audio work of note back in the day but has no patience or tolerance of those" inferior" !  maybe he is just an old school racist so hate comes naturally ! 
sorry those resting on their laurels do not impress me esp if they are unwilling to reach and teach explain and converse to those not at their level! 
things HAVE moved on . i have no problem using some modern new equipment esp receivers etc. 
Or modding some speakers ( NO using different drivers fr OEM in almost ANY speaker, BUT ! esp the Allison!   will screw up the sound ! ) just don't! only a last resort ! 
i even got annoyed as some butcher used rubber instead of foam surrounds! LOL 

All my audio is used gear except for some new low-end SONY speakers SC3, SC5 bookshelf, towers, C channel, atmos ( and they are getting improvements -modifications as a project.! i am making a better C channel out of a tower speaker of same series ! it will have twin 6" woofers not 4.5 and be a 3 way -the stock C channel is 2 way ! 

so in the end they will sound like 2-3X better speakers! ) i am also modding some vintage  low-end Yamha speakers NS6490, some cheap towers,have a pair of good NS500M ( like NS1000M w titanium instead of berilium )
I have 5.1 used Vandersteen: model 2's ,model 1's ,a VCC1
I have some allison acoustics ! 4, AL130, 4, AL115 and getting a pair of CD-9 to use as C channel .




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