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AR2ax project

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Today i received my order from Alixpress (yeah i know, i got sucked into that commercial blackhole... 🙄)

I ordered some voicecoils 8R to fix a set of 2ax speakers i bought for 180€. Very nice enclosures, decent grills and originally tweeters with inner connections which are now in my ar5. I had 2 tweeters with broken litze wires and nice faceplates so i decided to be a daredevil for a mere 16€ and ordered 6 of these babies. I was sceptical and apparantly it hadnt been done as Roy informed me he had no idea what had to be altered in the XO.

To the best of my skills and knowledge i have finished the first and listening now. It actually sounds very pleasant. I am not yet able to crank it up a little because the woofers need foam. Playing softly they are sublime right out of the box. No changes to XO.

Hopefully this is useful to someone out there with despair as the tweeters can now be revived quite easily. Disputeable wether it sounds better but to me it does. Sorry for the purists out there. I discovered that it takes a lot of money to recover the tweets through other channels. Blind tests can perhaps only emphasize my pov. The tiredness of an old tweeter is gone and it sparkles again.



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  • 2 months later...

I gave these away to a friend who on multiple occasions told me he likes them because they look beautiful and sound wonderful.

Bottom line, AR tweeters can be fixed relatively easy with chinese voice coils. No need for replacing them with HiVi which are also chinese and dont fit properly in the baffle.

Depending on how far you are willing to go in the process the result can approach originality to quite an extent, both visually and audibly.

I made one person content with my efforts.

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