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Four AR-LST's per-side...........


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2-27-2022 4PM EST 

O-tay Spanky, I may have met my match and there might be others out there waiting to approach this post.   

However, this fella has to go some distance yet. First off he’s powering all four per side with what I believe is a mere 200 watts per-side. How ever these speakers are hooked up, it’s going to be a drain on any amplifier so, that amp may not last too long if ‘run hard and put-away wet’ sort of speak. Second of all, they’re on the freak’in floor to boot, who does that? Oh, I think you know who you are. Though at approximately four hundred lbs. per side,  those beauties would get the 'plus-size' weight award if nothing else, certainly the 'participation award' for being there. I'm just say-'in. And watching the current News, it appears the whole world may be in a 'all-out, burn-out' mode of super-bad goings on.

That room won’t get the award for acoustics and set-up either. I also see cast aside to either side of the room of what look like two Allison 1's, and rightly so as it's a no-contest there. 

It's also interesting to note that in some circles "M.L." is considered the original promoter/forefather of 'High-End' audio and aptly so. Therefore, it's no surprise he chose the AR-LST's to be his first entrance into offering high-end speakers with his name on it. He later improved the speaker by redesigning the cross-over, eliminated the transformer and using "Dynaudio" speakers in place of AR drivers in the same cabinet but with no wood edge-deflection of the original and, amazingly enough all the while AR was in the death throes of an ugly ending. Just as a matter of record, his ''improved' and last LST model's MSRP was $16,000/pair. as further testament of an original excellent design and sound reproduction being improved.

Getting back to matters at hand, at least it’s a wonderful starting point and, I’m impressed by the sheer numbers of LST’s in one room. This may motivate me to go full out nut-job status myself. "AR-surround" watch out, your poking the bear may force it to show its teeth.

I have the three pairs I already own and enough substantial power amplifiers so, I need one more pair of LST's. Actually, that's a little crazy as three pairs would be the limit for me considering the ceiling is in the way. If I find another pair of AR-LST’s at a fair price, I’ll win the match. And if so, I'll be the 'weight-unknown', 'parts unknown'  threining heavy-weight champion of the world.......................



P.S. What gets me is the propensity of playing music with echos applied to it on a few new-comer hi-fi sites.The use of 'echo' laden recordings that contain a large amount and do not sound 'real'. Yes, I learned a long time ago that 'echo' laden recordings can and do make the music and henceforth a system sound bigger and more attractive but, it's a cheap cop-out in exaggerating the overall presentation nor do we all live full time in an 'echo-chamber'.  It's a newcomer's folly and many wrongfully evaluate their set-ups this way, nutso and oh so wrong and all over A.K.  Some folks show-off their set-ups with recordings that contain echo, how unreal and manipulative is that? Their favorite echo laden recording that's played is usually Stevie Ray Vaughan.

P.S.II I was lucky enough to briefly meet with mluong303.       In 2005 or so he offered for sale two AR 303 tweeters. At that time there were no other tweeters available and certainly no talk of replacements that were offered. I called him at his work place in Manhattan and since I was located close to him, we met on the corner or 34th. St. and 3rd. Ave. It was a little uncomfortable for both him and I but, we gave each other a celebratory masculine bear-hug sort of configuration with much happiness as two proud "AR-LST" owners actually meeting for the first time in my history any way except for the British AR representative I met at "Singer-Sound' for AR's unveiling of their new speaker and preamp and amplifier, right there in the heart of NYC.  I offered to take him for a cup of coffee in one of the many coffee shops in that area. He declined as he needed to get back to his job so, I passed him the money in drug deal like fashion and he passed the small box containing the 2 tweeters. I've never used them and are still in the same box he gave me as they'll only fit the 303 speakers but, it was a tweeter challenged moment of desperation. One must understand that at the time, there were no other options so I jumped at them. I should've asked him to see his apartment as I believe he had a huge selection of TOTL AR speakers in ownership.  In terms of 'AR-knowledge' he had the most I was aware of at that time.  I believe he's moved on with other brands, still I'm not sure.






I) - Cello ‘Double Amati’ Speakers (four Cello Amati Speaker systems, two per channel):

The Cello ‘Double Amati’ Speakers are comprised of two stacked Amati speaker cabinets on each stereo channel, each Double Amati pair is mounted to very rare proprietary Cello Ltd. green granite stands, bolted to wrought iron bars. Only a few such granite stands were produced for Cello. Each stereo channel contains eighteen AR drivers - eight tweeters, eight midrange and two twelve-inch woofers - thirty-six AR drivers in all. Mark Levinson modeled the Cello Amati speaker on the AR company’s LST speaker system, that originally used the same or similar drivers as their AR-3 speaker system. These drivers are the same number and model of AR drivers that Mark Levinson employed in his 7-foot tall flagship Cello Stradivari Grand Master Speaker systems.

The Cello Double Amati speakers offered here were rebuilt and restored in 2010 with four new-old-stock (NOS) 12-inch AR woofers, and sixteen NOS AR midrange drivers that were purchased from Mark Levinson in the early 1990s (by M. Luong), drivers that were intended to be used, if needed, as spares, when Cello began using DynAudio drivers to replace the no longer available US manufactured AR drivers. The sixteen tweeters are matched 2010 Tonegen AR replacements. The four AR woofers have new surrounds professionally installed in 2015.  Four added crossover capacitors, used to fine-tune the tweeter/midrange crossover points, is installed outside the cabinet for easy access for any future changes or further refinement. The cabinets for the Double Amatis are in excellent condition, with only a few superficial marks and blemishes.  The grills are in excellent shape. The granite stands and wrought iron mounting bars are in excellent condition and would only require some stone polish to bring out their full luster and deep rich qualities. 

Adapted from Cello Ltd. documentation: “Elegant in dimension, the thirty-six AR drivers enable the Double Amatis to move a great quantity of air very quickly,


Additionally: Here's a nice and cute 'starter-system' and some system details below if anyone is interested;https://www.ebay.com/itm/174203165959?hash=item288f515d07%3Ag%3AOwQAAOSw4pJeQi6D&nma=true&si=gVkLMZ4oX3n5Bkz%2B1%2F5kD73Kwls%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557     IMAGINE A $45, GRAND DOLLAR SYSTEM WITH FOUR STACKED AR-LST'S.






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