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Need UMR and HR for AR-90

Guest Eric

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My name is Eric and i am a new user. I have a pair of AR-90's that I got as a kid for Christmas. I left them at my parents house after I bought my own home. Recently, without my knowing, my nephew took them thinking that he needed them worse than I did. Any idea where I can buy quality replacments for the Upper Mid Range and the High Range Drivers?

He left the two 10's and 8 because the foam was rotten. Good for me. I called Bill at Millersound and he is going to fix these.

Any help would be appreciated!


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>Replacement can be had, but at a price and they aren't always

>an exact duplicate of the original.


>Dumb question. Can you recover the originals from your nephew,

>or was he sumarily strangled?

I will need to get replacements. The Lord only knows where the originals are. To tell you the truth, I almost cried when I saw that they were missing. He has no idea how much difficulty and expense that I will have to endure to make these like original.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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There's a couple of guys that frequent this board that probably have an excellent idea on where to find replacements, and they are old AR employees. I'd wait for their 2 cents worth before going to far, but here's my thoughts. Occasionally, old drivers show up on Ebay so keep tabs there. Second, try Simply Speakers (www.simplyspeakers.com) and see what they can do.

Another project for you. Now would be a good time to recap the crossovers.

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>There's a couple of guys that frequent this board that

>probably have an excellent idea on where to find replacements,

>and they are old AR employees. I'd wait for their 2 cents

>worth before going to far, but here's my thoughts.

>Occasionally, old drivers show up on Ebay so keep tabs there.

>Second, try Simply Speakers (www.simplyspeakers.com) and see

>what they can do.


>Another project for you. Now would be a good time to recap the



I notice that not many are giving any answers which scares me. I am on the simplyspeakers.com site now and see that they have a 1210010-1 and a 1210084-0 available. Will either of these work in my 90's? Do you know the size of the two drivers and cutout hole size? I looked at the online info and it showed a 38mm for the UMR and 19mm for the HR. I live in America and have a hard time with metric conversions.

Also prices are real different on the site. The two listed above are around $150 each. When you go to the replacements page the prices are between $15 and $30 - major difference.

Thanks, Eric

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Another question - what do you mean by recaping the crossovers. I am a button pushing camera guy/editor, not a technician. Is it difficult?

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All electrolytic caps dry out over time, unless they are reallyancient and are filled with a PCB electrolyte, but thats another issue in itself. Replacing the old caps in the crossovers with high quality polyproplyene caps isn't hard, but you do need to be proficient with a soldering iron and be able to read a schematic. The reward for recapping the crossover are almost beyond description and will absolutely breath new life into those old speakers.

There are quite a few discussion threads on this web site on the topic ranging from why you should and a few opinions claiming you shouldn't as well as discussions on which caps sound best.

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