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Posts posted by cd0nc

  1. 17 minutes ago, nefertem said:

    Hi mine have the wooden dowels that holds the tops in place When Lechmeres sold them you could either get them with wood tops or black 

    Yep, you're correct, it's either plastic dowels or screws depending on wooden tops or black plastic tops. There's two types of wooden tops I've had too, ones with and without painted sides.

    If possible I'd just like someone to post a picture of the screws for the black plastic tops as I've mixed up my screws from several sets of speakers as I wanted to treat them all for rust. Dimensions would also help too even if it's just having a ruler placed next to it.

  2. I have a set of AR93Q speakers with the black ABS plastic tops but mixed up the screws which secure the top in place when I was refurbishing them. Could anyone give me the measurements of the correct size wood screws to use. I don't want to ruin the threads or punch through the wood when I put them back together. Thanks!

  3. My advice would be to refrain from trying to remove the acoustic blanket and instead mask it off and place plastic bags over it. Be careful with the amount and strength of the masking tape as it can pull up the fabric.

    I have a set of AR92s in my garage where I removed the blanket. It took a lot of white spirit and scraping. I don't recommend it. I didn't do this on my AR90s which I sanded and resprayed. The paint went right up to the blanket, even with the masking and came out great. The 92s were a barn find so they haven't received any more thought or love yet. Can confirm two wood screws under the sticker on the front too.

  4. I'm also interested in this. I have a number of tweeters, 48ls and 28s spring to mind which I would like to re-coil.

    Also in the UK. If you can provide any hints in removing the old wire and applying the new wire that would be great.

    I'm also pondering a number of woofers. So far only found the correct spec wire for those.

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