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Posts posted by retroluv

  1. Agree they were & are great radios. Bought the Model 20 at estate sale, supposed to be working.  Likely will need work on speakers & turntable. Great that you're saving the old radios. Parents' was a Twenty-One but don't know which one & had a really nice sound.

  2. Thanks for explaining & the link. No, we don't have spares so will buy new ones. I remember listening to these old KLH's, but it predates my first components by a decade. Parents had a 60s KLH FM radio. Think it's still going & sounding nice.

  3. Thanks for your help & I got the manual.  What's so different about KLH Model 20 is there is no separation of positive and negative inputs & outputs. The manual assumes you have the supplied cord so doesn't explain.   So now understand the RCA phono jacks should work &  3.5mm size is okay?



  4. What do you recommend I use to connect my new KLH model 20 speakers to their model 20 turntable? Know this is a dummies question, but have never had speakers with just one banana plug hole. I picked up this system supposedly working, and want to hear it before deciding on refurbishing. Have read many posts with detailed explanations for restoration, but couldn't find the basic how to connect speakers to turntable.  Have read that it's better to use 12 or 14 AWG  on these 4 ohm speakers. Appreciate any help.

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