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Some Model 1 pics


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I've been talking to Paolo and he wanted pictures. Thought you'd like to see these, serial nos. 2702 & 2704.

I live in Rhode Island and went to an estate sale (my first) on a whim...expecting to find some large KLH speakers.

When I got there the KLHs were already gone but then I saw these. Only one had the Cizek decal. The surrounds were long

gone and so far I've refoamed them but have a problem with voice coil rub...probably from the cones drooping down

free for a long time. One has a tiny sweet spot to play it for now, the other is going to stay offline until I have enough

money to send these out to do a little repair/rebuild. Also, one of the turn dial mechanisms looks like it was replaced

with one whose shaft is completely round...without the indention the original knob got stripped and so I eventually gotta

figure out how to replace the knob or the mechanism or both...later.

The good: Cizeks are new to me but they definitely kick "tight" bass against my Henry Kloss ARs, Advents, KLH, etc.

And the highs are so realistic. These are keepers!

At the moment, my good Cizek sits atop one of my pair of Realistic Mach 1 speakers (who are awaiting the upgrade

1 from AudioKarma) and seems to be a great marriage! I listen to all types of music but my day job is trying to "listen"

with a straight judgement...music professor and Classical conductor. That said, I teach a new rock&roll course so it's

all good.

Thanks Paolo, et al.








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Since posting some pics of my Model 1 pair I thought it might be helpful to some if I mentioned I replaced the surround on the problem woofer I had. With the AR speakers I normally just do it by touch and have never missed. However, these Cizeks have a tight gap and it required me cutting off the dustcap...well, actually I cut 99% of it so I could flip it back down and glue it. Contrary to most modern dustcaps that are made of thin paper, the Cizeks use thick cardboard so it was a chore cutting it. I then cut three slices of 3x5 card paper, oiled those just a tiny bit and slipped them in like you're supposed to do when using the shim method while glueing. It worked! So, just so owners know what to expect. I learn from my mistakes.

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